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Air- ' -PL 60/...- /lev4w1eye1.rN1....) l <br /> R 7-111r4-4-t.;-.-z It • <br /> California •= TOWN OF LOS ALTOS HILLS c\ 9888215 <br /> d ' ^ 26379,FREMONT ROAD <br /> ' LOS ALTOS HILLS,CALIFORNIA 94022 <br /> TELEPHONE: 415/941-7222 i RESOLUTION N0. 58-88 <br /> A RESOLUTION APPROVING AND AUTHORIZING EXECUTION ____ <br /> OF AN ENCROACHMENT PERMIT-AGREEMENT BETWEEN - - - <br /> THE TOWN OF LOS ALTOS HILLS AND <br /> LUIS M. YANEZ AND GINA YANEZ K 7 3 3 PAGE 18 9 3 <br /> RESOLVED, by the City Council of the Town of Los Altos Hills, County of <br /> Santa Clara, State of California, that • <br /> WHEREAS, the City Council of the Town of Los Altos Hills (herein called <br /> the "TOWN") has read and considered that certain Encroachment Permit <br /> Agreement between the TOWN and LUIS M. YANEZ and GINA YANK his <br /> wife, concerning the replacement of an existing underground storm drainage <br /> pipeline and maintenance of the new drainage pipeline within the <br /> right-of-way of Fremont Road, , <br /> NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS FOUND, ORDERED, AND DETERMINED as follows: <br /> 1. Public interest, and convenience require the entering into of the <br /> above-described Encroachment Permit Agreement, and the TOWN hereby <br /> approves this Agreement. <br /> 2. The TOWN shall enter into, and the Mayor and City Clerkof the <br /> TOWN be, and they and each of them hereby is authorized and directed on <br /> behalf of the TOWN, respectively, to execute and attest an Encroachment <br /> Permit Agreement between the TOWN and LUIS N. YANEZ and GINA YANEZ. <br /> 3. The Encroachment Permit Agreement be and it hereby is accepted, <br /> and the City Clerk of the TOWN be and she hereby is directed and ordered to <br /> cause said Encroachment Permit Agreement to be recorded in the Office of <br /> the Recorder of the County of Santa Clara, State of California. <br /> REGULARLY passed and adopted this 15th day of June, 1988. <br /> ici- ----------:::/, `,04 o- + t i % MAYOR (J <br /> ' ,CI1'Y" ERIC fn7RSt <br />