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`, (City Manager had spoken with PG&E and the Fire Department was to enhance their <br /> patrol of the Town for hazardous situations.) The report also addressed better <br /> signage of properties, review of chain of command, fire proof landscaping, <br /> emergency coordinator program, identification of those residents needing assistance <br /> in an emergency, care of livestock in an emergency, emergency phone number and <br /> shutting off utilities in a fire. <br /> Siegel suggested that the Los Altos County Fire Protection District hire a fire <br /> prevention officer to work in the Town on safety issues. <br /> PASSED BY CONSENSUS: To direct the City Attorney to prepare an advisory vote <br /> for the June 1992 ballot regarding fire retardant roofing and to bring the draft <br /> advisory vote back to the February 5th Council Meeting for approval of final <br /> wording as to types of roofs required for new construction, major remodels and re- <br /> roofs. <br /> 12.2 Recommendations Regarding Joint Volunteer Awards Committee <br /> (Councilmember Johnson) <br /> Council had before them the report prepared by Councilmember Johnson on his <br /> recommendations regarding the Joint Volunteer Awards Committee. In this report <br /> he suggested the formation of a joint committee of the two cities (Los Altos and Los <br /> haw Altos Hills) to draw up policies for canvassing nominees, selecting awardees, <br /> determining rules for deciding the number of awardees, operational procedures for <br /> the Awards Committee and any other relevant matters the committee may discover <br /> to be necessary. <br /> MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Hubbard,seconded by Casey and <br /> passed unanimously by all members present to appoint Councilmember Johnson to <br /> a joint committee of the two cities (Los Altos and Los Altos Hills) to draw up <br /> policies for canvassing nominees, selecting awardees, determining rules for deciding <br /> the number of awardees, operational procedures for the Awards Committee and any <br /> other relevant matters the committee may discover to be necessary. <br /> MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Hubbard, seconded by Casey and <br /> passed unanimously by all members present to reappoint Councilmember Johnson <br /> and Edwina Comiso to the Joint Volunteer Awards Committee for two year terms. <br /> ttlw <br /> January 15, 1992 <br /> 11 <br />