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Siegel stated that he did not think this project was ready for approval - there <br /> were too many questions yet unanswered. He noted the following issues: <br /> access, size of house (should be reduced to approximately 5,000 square feet), <br /> constraints of lot, highly visible site and moving of house downhill. <br /> Johnson concurred with Siegel's comments. He too thought the house <br /> was too big (should be reduced about 10%) and was on an exposed hill. <br /> Johnson also believed the house should be moved down the hill about 10' <br /> and that the fire access should be off Saddle Mountain. Hubbard agreed <br /> the house was too big as proposed; the driveway and grading should be <br /> minimized; the house should be moved downhill; and access should be <br /> off Saddle Mountain. Casey concurred with the comments raised by the <br /> neighbors and the recommendations of the Fire Department and staff <br /> concerning access off Saddle Mountain. She also agreed the house should <br /> be moved downhill and the size of the driveway could be reduced (still <br /> large enough for two cars). Casey did not concur with reducing the size of <br /> the house. The project met the Town's ordinances and she believed this <br /> was unfair to the owner. Casey suggested changing the ordinances so that <br /> the process would be more fair to the applicants. In addition she thought <br /> this should be a use of land issue and whether or not Mr. Becker was going <br /> to live in the house himself should make no difference at all. Tryon <br /> noted that most projects were approved in the Town and that other factors <br /> were considered in addition to the numbers allowed for development. <br /> `. Tryon commented on the visual impact, compatibility and drainage of the <br /> Becker application. <br /> MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Siegel, seconded by Casey <br /> and passed unanimously to continue the request for a Site Development <br /> Permit for a new residence and swimming pool for Lands of Becker, 14290 <br /> Saddle Mountain Road, for a period no longer than 120 days for redesign, <br /> noting that if no redesign is submitted within that timeframe this <br /> application will be brought back to the City Council. It was further stated <br /> that the access to the project would be from Saddle Mountain. <br /> Mr. Becker, applicant, asked if they could submit a redesign as an interim step <br /> to get a preliminary reading before they took on the expense of a new set of <br /> plans. <br /> 8. UNFINISHED BUSINESS <br /> 8.1 Ordinance #__amending Title 5 of Chapter 7 of the Los Altos Hills <br /> Municipal Code Regulating Hours of Construction (SECOND <br /> READING) <br /> January 15, 1992 <br /> 6 <br />