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"The argument against Measure H was written by the president of the Cedar <br /> Shake & Shingle Bureau which has a vested interest in encouraging wood <br /> shingle roof products. <br /> Most of the argument against the measure is based on cost. There is a wide <br /> array of choices of A or B rated roof systems some of which are less than the <br /> unrated wood shingle roof. A plywood subsurface may or may not be <br /> required based on the type of roof product selected. Many A and B roofs are <br /> cost effective because they have a longer life than unrated wood shingle roofs. <br /> Cost is an important consideration but so is the additional fire protection this <br /> measure would provide to the individual homeowners and their neighbors. <br /> The loss of a home, family treasures and artifacts can not be replaced for any <br /> amount of money. <br /> The argument against the measure claims that the type of roofing makes no <br /> difference in a firestorm. Although Los Altos Hills has had one major fire <br /> involving multiple homes, the majority of the fires in the hills are not the <br /> result of a firestorm. More importantly, fire retardant roofs would greatly <br /> lessen the possibilities of igniting a fire storm. <br /> The key issue that has been overlooked in the argument against the measure <br /> is the fact that Class A and Class B roofs provide better overall protection <br /> from fire in most circumstances. We encourage your support for <br /> `, Measure H." <br /> Los Altos Hills City Council <br /> Los Altos Fire Chief <br /> 3. PRESENTATIONS FROM THE FLOOR <br /> 4. ADJOURNMENT <br /> There being no further new or old business to discuss, the meeting was <br /> adjourned at 12:45 p.m. <br /> Respectfully submitted, <br /> Patricia Dow <br /> City Clerk <br /> The minutes of the March 11, 1992 Special City Council Meeting were <br /> approved at the April I, 1992 City Council Meeting. <br /> March 11, 1992 <br /> Special Meeting <br /> 2 <br />