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re <br /> 5. PRESENTATIONS FROM THE FLOOR <br /> Dot Schreiner, 14301 Saddle Mountain Drive, commented that changing the <br /> beginning time for Council meetings was causing some confusion. She suggested <br /> clarifying the time for the Council meetings as well as for public hearings on the <br /> agendas and public hearing notices. <br /> Elayne Dauber, 27930 Roble Alto, reiterated her comments on the number of real <br /> estate signs in Town especially at Arastradero and Page Mill and she suggested <br /> Council consider changing the Town's sign ordinance to correct these unsightly <br /> situations. El Monte and Stonebrook was also pointed out as another location <br /> where there were far too many real estate signs. <br /> 6. PUBLIC HEARINGS <br /> 6.1 Request for Approval of a Site Development Permit for a New Residence <br /> and Swimming Pool, Lands of Becker, 14290 Saddle Mountain Road <br /> Council commended the Town Planner for her excellent staff report on this <br /> application. Siegel did note however that the applicant had not marked <br /> the proposed house to show its bulk and he believed that this policy which <br /> had been adopted by Council was an important one. The applicant had <br /> not reduced the size of this house and it was difficult to determine what <br /> the impact of the house would be. Siegel stated that he would like to defer <br /> a final vote until the house was so marked. Hubbard believed it was <br /> unfair to delay this applicant as the Council had not had a consensus vote <br /> on specifically how to mark such houses to show bulk. It was agreed this <br /> policy would be brought back to Council for clarification at a later meeting. <br /> Mr. Becker, applicant, addressed the Council regarding his project and <br /> commented that he had understood if the house were redesigned it may <br /> not have to be reduced in size. His project had been redesigned <br /> substantially. He noted that they had been before the Planning <br /> Commission about four times and it had been a costly and timely process <br /> when in fact he believed they complied with the ordinances in the first <br /> place. He did ask for direction from the Town on condition #11 which <br /> called for a grading and construction operation plan. <br /> Henry Mourad, 14300 Saddle Mountain Drive, noted that at the 1/15/92 <br /> Council Meeting, Mr. Becker had been directed to reduce his house to 5,000 <br /> 4 May 20, 1992 <br /> �r Regular Meeting <br /> 3 <br />