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S <br /> be at least ten (10) days prior to the time fixed for opening of bids. <br /> 3. Said sealed proposals or bids shall be delivered to the City Clerk of <br /> the Town of Los Altos Hills on or before 3:00 p..m. on October 21, 1988, at the <br /> Office of the City Clerk in the Town Hall, 26379 Fremont Road, Los Altos Hills, <br /> California, said time being not less than ten (10) days from the time of the <br /> publication of said Notice. Bids will be publicly opened and examined, and <br /> the Council will take action as to the above-described personal property and <br /> awarding the contract or rejecting all bids not later than thirty (30) calendar <br /> days after the expiration of the time herein prescribed for the receipt of bids; <br /> provided that the award for the purchase of the above-described personal <br /> property may be made after the expiration of the specified time if the bidder <br /> shall not have given to the Council notice in writing of the withdrawal of such <br /> bid or proposal. <br /> 4. The said City Council of the Town of Los Altos Hills hereby reserves <br /> the right to reject any and all bids. <br /> REGULARLY passed and adopted this 5th day of October, 1988. <br /> BY <br /> MAY" <br /> ATTEST: <br /> CITY CLE' <br /> -2- 92888 <br />