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1� 9.2a Review detailed mapping project for a specific area — <br /> Presentation by Pathways, Recreation and Parks Committee <br /> 9.2b Area Map B -- Delete Path At End of Stirrup Way <br /> Dot Schreiner, Chairman - Pathways, Recreation and Parks Committee, <br /> commented on the process of picking up the rejected tracts and also asked <br /> that the Town check to see if the Carse easement on Taaffe had been <br /> recorded. <br /> PASSED BY CONSENSUS: To concur with the H, N and 0 area maps as <br /> proposed by the Pathways, Recreation and Parks Committee with the <br /> following corrections: 1) delete the off-road path thru the Packer Property <br /> at the hair pin turn 26769 Elena exit on La Barranca; and 2) add the off-road <br /> path between Julietta Lane and Deer Springs to the list of off-road paths; <br /> direct staff to check on recordation of Carse easement; delete path at end of <br /> Stirrup Way; and direct staff to proceed with picking up rejected tracts. <br /> 9.3 Town Logo (Councilmember Casey) <br /> Casey reported that after her conversations with representatives of PRX it was <br /> clear that the contract the Town had with them to do the new logo was for <br /> $5,000 total and not $2,500 as previously reported by the former City <br /> (`, Manager. Casey stated that PRX would finalize the logo project by <br /> providing a final camera-ready art form on a Macintosh disk to the Town. <br /> Casey believed that PRX should be paid the additional $2,500 for the <br /> completion of this project as originally agreed upon. She also noted that <br /> because her understanding had been that only $2,500 had been agreed <br /> upon with PRX, she had believed she could complete the logo project and <br /> its applications for approximately $5,000. Since this was not the case, Casey <br /> asked Council to authorize, in addition to the $2,500 for PRX, $1,500 to <br /> complete the applications of the logo. <br /> MOTION FAILED DUE TO LACK OF A SECOND: Moved by Casey to <br /> appropriate an additional $3,500 ($2,500 for PRX and $1,500 for <br /> applications) for the completion of the Town Logo project. <br /> Sherry Walkingstick, Chief Financial Officer - PRX, reiterated their <br /> understanding of the contract they had with the Town. She also explained <br /> they would refine the logo to include the final Council comments and <br /> would provide the camera-ready copy on disk. <br /> PASSED BY CONSENSUS: Council agreed to pay PRX a total of $5,000 for the <br /> logo project and to continue the discussion of the applications of the logo <br /> to the next Council meeting at which time there would be a full Council. <br /> thir <br /> April 17, 1991 <br /> 13 <br />