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1991 Regular Meeting with the following corrections: page 1, delete the following: <br /> lbw "Tryon expressed a note of gratitude that her nephew was coming home from the <br /> Persian Gulf War." (It was noted that the Mayor had also made comments related to <br /> this issue and it was agreed to either include all the comments or none. Council <br /> agreed to delete the entire conversation.); page 2, paragraph 3 should read: PASSED <br /> BY CONSENSUS: To state that it was not individual resident's responsibility to <br /> correct problems and maintain the Town's paths on other resident's property."; page <br /> 8, Item 7,1, second sentence should read: "Tryon commented on the logo shown on <br /> the cover of Belmont's budget book and requested that this be given to Casey as an <br /> example of hillside applications."; page 11, Item 11.7, sentence should read: " at <br /> which time there would be a report on Bay Vision 2020." <br /> 4.4a Lands of Liu, 28635 Matadero Creek Court (Lot#16): Planning <br /> Commission approved request for a site development permit for a <br /> new residence <br /> Dot Schreiner, 14301 Saddle Mountain Drive, asked the Council to review the plans <br /> for the Liu house particularly as related to the issue of height. Mrs. Schreiner noted <br /> that while the requirement for prairie style architecture had been removed, the <br /> requirement for low profile had not. The proposed house was two story, twenty- <br /> five feet high, with a three story exterior where the garage was located. The height <br /> of the house negatively impacted several nearby residents. <br /> Tryon stated that she was concerned about this application but did not see a <br /> solution. Several issues should have been dealt with in the application at its early <br /> stages. <br /> MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Hubbard, seconded by Casey and <br /> passed unanimously by all members present to concur with the Planning <br /> Commission's approval of a site development permit for a new residence for Lands <br /> of Liu, 28635 Matadero Creek Court. <br /> 4.5 Ratification of the Congestion Management Joint Powers Agreement <br /> Council discussed certain concerns which had been raised concerning the <br /> Congestion Joint Powers Agreement, including the authority of the agency to create <br /> reasons for non-conformance and withholding subventions. Tryon referred to the <br /> letter which had been sent by the City of Gilroy to the Congestion Management <br /> Planning Agency on these concerns. Siegel stated that he believed the issue would <br /> resolve itself and the agency would not go beyond its scope. The Town's only <br /> involvement was Foothill College. <br /> MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Casey,seconded by Tryon and <br /> passed unanimously by all members present to adopt Resolution #16-91 designating <br /> a Congestion Management Agency for Santa Clara County. <br /> lor <br /> April 17, 1991 <br /> 5 <br />