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or rebuilding of any legal nonconforming structure, so long as the <br /> reconstruction, repair or rebuilding does not result in an increase in the <br /> non-conformity or change of use that existed prior to the damage or <br /> reconstruction." <br /> MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Tryon, seconded by Hubbard <br /> and passed unanimously by all members to waive further reading of <br /> ordinance. <br /> MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Tryon, seconded by Siegel <br /> and passed unanimously to adopt Ordinance #344 amending Chapter 1 <br /> (Zoning) of Title 10 (Zoning and Site Development) to clarify Article 4 <br /> (Nonconforming Uses and Structures) <br /> 7.2 Urgency Interim Ordinance of the City Council Amending Chapter 1 <br /> (Zoning) of Title 10 (Zoning and Site Development) with regard to <br /> nonconforming structures <br /> Wallace Cunneen, 26666 Laurel Lane, noted that he lived across the street from <br /> the Wheatley property and he was speaking on behalf of Mr. Wheatley. <br /> The neighbors, it appeared, did not want Mr. Wheatley's barn turned into <br /> a secondary dwelling but Mr. Cunneen asked if there were existing laws <br /> which allowed Mr. Wheatley to get a building permit and was Mr. <br /> Wheatley the only applicant affected by the urgency ordinance. Mr. <br /> Cunneen believed that a sense of fairness and common sense should <br /> prevail. The purpose of the setbacks was for privacy, yet the neighbors of <br /> the barn were 120 and 140 feet away. He also commented on other <br /> concerns raised by the neighbors such as traffic, who would live in the <br /> secondary unit, view of barn and detriment to the neighbors. Mr <br /> Cunneen asked if Mr. Wheatley had received timely, accurate and helpful <br /> information to get him through the process at Town Hall. <br /> Siegel responded that the urgency ordinance corrected something which he did <br /> not think was right and Tryon stated that she had always believed such a <br /> change (barn to secondary dwelling) required a site development permit <br /> and she stated the purpose of the ordinance was to protect the rural <br /> character of the Town. <br /> Max Brown, 12670 Dianne Drive, asked for clarification of the ordinance under <br /> discussion. <br /> William Avellino, 26640 Purissima Road, presented a letter to the Council in <br /> which he supported the adoption of the urgency ordinance. <br /> April 17, 1991 <br /> 9 <br />