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Jim Caldwell, Mr. Anderson's architect, noted that he had met with the Town's <br /> planning consultant and their project was in conformance with the <br /> Town's codes. In addition they had relocated the house to meet the <br /> setback requirements of the Town. <br /> Siegel and Tryon supported annexing this property as the County encouraged <br /> city policies of annexing pockets of land. Siegel particularly emphasized <br /> that these residents used Town services such as Sheriff's Department and <br /> thus should be a part of the Town. <br /> MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Siegel, seconded by Tryon <br /> and passed by the following roll call vote to request the County to issue <br /> building permits to Mr. Anderson when the Town has received a letter <br /> from Mr. Anderson stating that he intends to annex to the Town before <br /> January 1, 1993. <br /> AYES: Councilmembers Siegel and Tryon <br /> NOES: Councilmember Casey <br /> ABSTAIN: Councilmember Johnson <br /> 8.5 Approval of FY 1991-92 Operating and Project Budget -- Reso # <br /> Triona Watson, Los Altos Hills Horsemen? Association, presented a proposal to <br /> 1kt resurface the Los Altos Hills Town Ring and asked that $20,000 for this project <br /> be induded in the 1991-92 budget. She noted that their group was limited <br /> financially and their fundraising was primarily done through shows at the ring <br /> which were limited if the ring was not in good condition. <br /> Siegel noted that there had been no recomendation on this proposal made by the <br /> Pathways, Recreation and Parks Committee. He also noted that an <br /> arrangement similar to the one between the Town and the Little League could <br /> be worked on between the Town and the Horsemens' Association, with the <br /> latter group providing matching funds. Siegel suggested continuing this <br /> request for a recommendation from the committee and also commented to Ms. <br /> Watson that funds could be transferred at a later date. <br /> PASSED BY CONSENSUS: To continue the request from the Horsemens' <br /> Association for Town funding for the resurfacing of the Town Ring pending a <br /> recommendation from the Pathways, Recreation and Parks Committee. <br /> MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Siegel, seconded by Johnson and <br /> passed by the following roll call vote to approve a 5% "pass through" charge, <br /> effective July 1, 1991, to reimburse the attorney, consulting engineer, consulting <br /> planner and consulting geologist. <br /> June 19, 1991 <br /> 12 <br />