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subdivision could be addressed by conditions from staff. He believed that <br /> tear requiring an E1R placed an undue burden on the applicant. <br /> Moosa Malek, applicant, noted that he presently lived in the Town across from <br /> Westwind Barn and gave background information on the length of time it <br /> has taken him to get to this stage of his proposed project. <br /> Larry Lihosit, applicant's engineer, stated that he had worked on this project for <br /> two years and addressed the issues raised by staff. In part the following <br /> statements were made: the project did not pierce the ridgeline; they had <br /> done a feasibility study on Central Drive but staff had requested that <br /> Central not be used; this piece of property originally had five lots and they <br /> were now requesting three; Mr. Malek had met with his immediate <br /> neighbors; there was an existing cul-de-sac which the applicant planned to <br /> improve; the landslide on Central would have to be improved no matter <br /> what development was done; the definition of structure as related to <br /> conservation easements was discussed; and they would return land to a <br /> natural environment unless fire retardant plants were preferred. <br /> Jeff Peterson, Town's engineering consultant, reiterated his concerns about this <br /> project. The Fire Marshall had recommended denial of the subdivision <br /> and Mr. Peterson had not seen any analysis that the widening of Buena <br /> Vista was feasible. There was also a landslide on Mr. Lachenbruch's <br /> property and Mr. Malek's property crossed over this; improvements <br /> would have to be done on Mr. Lachenbruch's property. Mr. Peterson also <br /> noted that his slope measurements do not concur with the applicant's and <br /> he questioned the developability of this lot. <br /> Art Lachenbruch, 11820 Buena Vista, made the following comments regarding <br /> the proposed project: there was no right of way across his property; the <br /> right of way on Buena Vista was 40' for about 400' and then it was 25'; the <br /> landslide on his property was about 30% and he found it hard to believe <br /> that a tractor could get down to repair it; and the drainage issue would <br /> have to be addressed. <br /> Judy Carico, 25311 O'Keefe, noted that this property had been before the Town <br /> approximately three times and the issues addressed had been raised each <br /> time. Her recommendation would be for a two lot subdivision. <br /> Polly Savoie, 11640 Buena Vista, did not agree with the applicant that this <br /> project would not have a negative impact and stated her support for access <br /> off Central Drive. <br /> Mary Steers, Buena Vista, did not believe it was right for Council to deny this <br /> project for years over technicalities. She noted that when she had come in <br /> it June 19, 1991 <br /> 6 <br />