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06/19/1991 (2)
City Clerk
City Council Minutes
06/19/1991 (2)
Entry Properties
Last modified
6/1/2015 3:35:15 PM
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6/1/2015 3:04:02 PM
Regular Meeting Minutes
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Kenneth Wright, 27791 Edgerton, addressed his concerns about the Shockley <br /> project and his reasons for appealing the Planning Commission's <br /> approval. He particularly noted water flow onto his property, effluent <br /> materials going into the street, unstable soil in the area of the proposed <br /> building site, and the potential of a health hazard. Mr. Wright also stated <br /> his opinion that the Health Department's report that there was no flow of <br /> water onto his property was wrong. <br /> The Director of Public Works stated that he had spoken with the Health <br /> Department and they did not encounter water and were satisfied that the <br /> site was satisfactory for a septic field. <br /> Casey commented that she had met with the neighbors and asked for <br /> clarification regarding where the trenching had been done and what were <br /> aquifers. <br /> Mr. Shockley, applicant, explained that he had owned the property since 1984 <br /> and many studies had been done on the property since then. Trenches <br /> had been dug 15' in the exact location where the septic tank would be <br /> placed. <br /> William Cotton, Town's Geologist, explained what aquifers were and noted <br /> that with a four to five year drought, the information was not particularly <br /> reliable. He also noted, in response to Siegel's question that assuming <br /> there was water did it affect the design of the house, that it did not. <br /> Mark Hazell, applicant's attorney, commented on the litigation involving the <br /> previous owners of the Choong property. The tennis court had failed on <br /> the Choong's property but the previous owners had taken the money and <br /> not done any repairs. There had been a settlement between the Choongs <br /> and the Shockleys and as a result of the settlement he believed the <br /> geotechnical requirements would be improved. <br /> Jean Coombs, noted that in 1982 there had been a landslide and there were <br /> underground aquifers on the property. <br /> Mrs. Choong, 27769 Edgerton Road, inquired about the accuracy of the report <br /> done by PSE Associates for Mr Shockley. She referenced the 1984 landslide <br /> and believed the concrete piers on the property should go to 25', not the <br /> proposed 15'. She also asked how many test borings were done on the <br /> Shockley property and asked why the water sources were not traced. <br /> Mr. Choong, 27769 Edgerton Road, referenced a 1974-75 geological report which <br /> stated that lots 3 and 4 should not be developed. He also stated his belief <br /> June 19, 1991 <br /> 8 <br />
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