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Lalla Carsten, 13761 La Paloma Road, stated that she believed if the ordinances <br /> said Mr. Mooring could rebuild as it was, then the ordinances should be <br /> changed. <br /> Council discussed the present Town ordinances as related to the rebuilding of <br /> nonconforming structures and whether they were too liberal in a situation <br /> such as that posed by the Mooring application. The issue was raised that <br /> this was now an empty lot as the house had been totally demolished and <br /> therefore should conform to the Town's regulations on setbacks, etc. <br /> Casey did not see how the request could be denied. Mr. Mooring had done <br /> what was recommended by staff and it was unfair to now say he had to <br /> change this plans. She also noted that he was lessening the <br /> nonconformity. Tryon reiterated that site development permits should be <br /> required for secondary dwellings and believed the Town's setbacks should <br /> be adhered to. She was also concerned about the siting of the house. <br /> Siegel suggested that staff be directed to work on an urgency ordinance <br /> which would prevent such a rebuilding from taking place. <br /> MOTION SECONDED AND FAILED: Moved by Casey,seconded by Hubbard <br /> and failed by the following roll call vote to approve the request for a site <br /> development permit for demolition and reconstruction of an existing <br /> residence for Lands of Mooring, 13791 La Paloma Road. <br /> 11111/ AYES: Mayor Hubbard and Councilmember Casey <br /> NOES: Mayor Pro Tern Tyron and Councilmember Siegel <br /> ABSTAIN: Councilmember Johnson <br /> MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Casey,seconded by Hubbard <br /> and passed by the following roll call vote to reconsider the motion on <br /> Mooring. <br /> AYES: Mayor Hubbard and Councilmembers Casey, Johnson and Siegel <br /> NOES: Mayor Pro Tem Tryon <br /> MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Siegel, seconded by Johnson <br /> and passed by the following roll call vote to continue the request for a site <br /> development permit for demolition and reconstruction of an existing <br /> residence for Lands of Mooring, 13791 La Paloma Road to the July 17, 1991 <br /> Council Meeting. <br /> AYES: Mayor Pro Tem Tryon and Councilmembers Johnson and Siegel <br /> NOES: Mayor Hubbard and Councilmember Casey <br /> lalbv July 3, 1991 <br /> Regular Meeting <br /> 11 <br />