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6.4 Adoption of the Palo Alto Sewer Service Charge Final Report and <br /> kor authorizing transmittal to the Santa Clara County Assessor's Office - <br /> Reso # _ <br /> This item was continued to later in the meeting. <br /> 6.5 Approval of the Los Altos Sewer Service Charges and Setting the Los <br /> Altos Hills Sewer Basin Reserve Fund - Reso. # <br /> This item was continued to later in the meeting. <br /> 7. UNFINISHED BUSINESS <br /> 7.1 Request for Encroachment Permit for Driveway, Lands of Nissley, <br /> 12422 Robleda Road <br /> The Director of Public Works noted that he had not received any comment <br /> from Mr. Sun regarding his driveway. <br /> Mr. Sun, 12444 Robleda, addressed the Council regarding his driveway and <br /> introduced his contractor. <br /> Ben Taaffe, Mr. Sun's contractor, explained the error he had made regarding <br /> the driveway as a result of the size of the berms and the city's property. <br /> The driveway would be corrected to 12'. <br /> Mrs. Sun, 12444 Robleda, discussed the original plans and the court orders. The <br /> Nissleys had paved without their approval and she believed the issue <br /> should go back to court. <br /> Mr. Nissley, applicant, reiterated his reasons for requesting an encroachment <br /> permit. He stated that the paving was done in the easement and he <br /> submitted pictures which showed the Sun's contractor had erected curbs <br /> around three sides of the Nissley's car and had also erected a barrier <br /> sealing the Nissleys off from their easement. <br /> Johnson did not believe this was a safe solution to the problem and it appeared <br /> the only way this issue would be satisfied would be through the courts. He <br /> thanked the Suns for taking care of the driveway situation. Tryon <br /> believed the real battle was over the easment and would like to see some <br /> resolution to the problem. She suggested the neighbors contact the <br /> County Mediation Services. Casey and Hubbard both commented that this <br /> would be a dangerous driveway. <br /> July 3, 1991 <br /> Regular Meeting <br /> 12 <br />