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4.5 Request from Los Altos Fire Department for Weed Abatement on <br /> Ohr Certain Properties <br /> Items Removed: <br /> 4.1 Approved of Minutes: June 19, 1991 Regular Meeting <br /> PASSED BY CONSENSUS: To approve the minutes of the June 19, 1991 Regular City <br /> Council Meeting with the following corrections: page 6, delete the paragraph <br /> marked 6.2; page 10, add the following roll call vote after the first sentence: Ayes: <br /> Mayor Pro Tem Tryon and Councilmembers Casey, Johnson and Siegel and Noes: <br /> Mayor Hubbard; and page 13, last motion, insert "to waive further reading and to" <br /> after the word "present". <br /> 4.3 Ordinance amending Title 10 (Zoning and Site Development) by <br /> Amending Provisions Regarding Appeals (FIRST READING) <br /> Siegel noted that there were four times a year when the Council would not meet <br /> within the ten day appeal period of Planning Commission actions. He suggested <br /> that wording be added to the ordinance directing the City Clerk to notify Council of <br /> Planning Commission actions at these times. <br /> MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Siegel, seconded by Tryon and <br /> (` passed unanimously to waive further reading of ordinance. <br /> MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Siegel, seconded by Tryon and <br /> passed unanimously to introduce Ordinance #348 amending Title 10 by Amending <br /> provisions regarding appeals with the following amendment: Section 10-2.1313(c) <br /> insert the following: "If the Council does not meet within ten (10) days of the <br /> Planning Commission decision, the City Clerk shall give written notice of the <br /> decision to each Councilmember. Included in that notice shall be the date by which <br /> a written appeal by a Councilmember must be received with the City Clerk." <br /> 5. PRESENTATIONS FROM THE FLOOR <br /> Ed Emling, 11853 Murietta Lane, commented on two issues. First, he had heard <br /> that in the near future grass clippings,etc. would not be accepted at the yard <br /> waste drop off. Second, he was concerned about an electric fence which was on <br /> the outside of a property on Altamont. He believed this was a serious safety <br /> issue and wondered why it was allowed. <br /> The Director of Public Works noted that no decisions had been made with Los <br /> Altos Garbage Company regarding any changes in what could be dropped off at <br /> the yard waste drop off site. Regarding the electric fence, Council asked staff to <br /> look into this on an urgent basis. <br /> July 3, 1991 <br /> Regular Meeting <br /> 6 <br />