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Terry Gossett, 26600 Elena, stated that he had lived in Town for eleven years <br /> and during the heavy rains of several years ago had had a harrowing <br /> experience being on the lower slope. He was especially concerned about <br /> drainage, effluence and any possible earth slide. He wanted to bring these <br /> concerns to the Council's attention and also asked what recourse he would <br /> have if the development were approved. <br /> Glen Fuller, 12989 Vista del Valle, noted that the present residence on the <br /> Circle property covered the flat area while the proposed development was <br /> almost entirely on a slope. He was concerned about the stability of the <br /> hillside, the proximity to a fault and the issue of runoff. He did not <br /> believe it was in the best interest of the Town to develop a marginal <br /> building site and he opposed the subdivision. Mr. Fuller concurred that <br /> soils engineering had come a long way but was not a science and he also <br /> noted that this was a very prominent project, especially from the <br /> homesites. <br /> George Crawford, 13023 Vista del Valle, concurred with Mr. Fuller's comments. <br /> In 1974 the real estate people had told him that the slopes could not be <br /> developed. Mr. Crawford stated that he did not believe squeezing in a <br /> house even if it was technically alright was in the spirit of the Town. <br /> William Sullivan, 26531 Taaffe, referenced his letter to the Town dated 5/29/91 <br /> (on file at Town Hall) which included his concerns about the Circle <br /> property. These concerns included septic fields in easements. He asked if <br /> it was good public policy to subdivide a piece of property that was at best <br /> marginal. Mr. Sullivan also commented that a smaller house would <br /> mitigate the problem but not resolve it. <br /> Paul Nowack, applicant's engineer, commented that the applicant, Mr. Circle, <br /> was out of Town and therefore unable to attend this meeting. He noted <br /> that regarding the density of development they would limit the project to <br /> 3,500 square feet and this would not be a problem to control as it could be <br /> recorded on the map. Mr. Nowack commented that the Health <br /> Department had not had any problems with the leach fields and regarding <br /> drainage he would recommend constructing a retarding structure so that <br /> the water would not go downhill all at once. It was not possible to <br /> eliminate all the water going downhill and those living downhill knew <br /> that. Mr. Nowack mentioned the issue of fairness; this was a two-lot <br /> subdivision on 3 acres although the lot was narrow in front and wide in <br /> back, he did not consider it a panhandle lot. <br /> kir July 3, 1991 <br /> Regular Meeting <br /> 8 <br />