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PASSED BY CONSENSUS: To discuss this item under Unfinished Business. <br /> 4.8 Letter to County on Neary Quarry <br /> Hubbard pointed out that the draft letter before Council requesting information <br /> from the County on the Neary Quarry Reclamation Plan needed to be corrected as <br /> one requirement was in the implemention stage. <br /> MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Siegel, seconded by Johnson and <br /> passed unanimously to authorize the Mayor sending a letter to the County's <br /> Department of Planning and Development requesting certain information on the <br /> Neary Quarry Reclamation Plan with the following change to the draft: paragraph 4, <br /> second sentence should read: 'The Town would appreciate being kept informed of <br /> the County's implementation of this requirement as it applies to the Neary Quarry <br /> Reclamation Plan." <br /> 5. PRESENTATIONS FROM THE FLOOR <br /> Trina Watson, Los Altos Hills Horsemens' Association, referred to a letter they <br /> had sent concerning parking along Purissima by Little League participants. <br /> They had two suggestions to make in an effort to solve this problem. The first <br /> was that the Little League organizers let people know where they can park and <br /> Ilir encourage carpooling and second that there be more Sheriffs patrols. The City <br /> Manager responded that this matter was scheduled for discussion at the <br /> September 23, 1991 meeting of the Pathways, Recreation and Parks Committee <br /> and all interested parties had been invited to participate in the discussion. <br /> Jeff Beresini, Pacific Gas & Electric, introduced himself as the new Customer <br /> Services Supervisor for Los Altos Hills. This position had been held by Dennis <br /> Ikerd who had been transferred to another office. Mr. Beresini commented that <br /> he was looking forward to working with the Town and if anyone had any <br /> questions or concerns they should let him know. <br /> 6. PUBLIC HEARINGS <br /> 6.1 Request for Adoption of a Negative Environmental Declaration and <br /> Approval of a Tentative Map for a Two-Lot Subdivision, Lands of <br /> Circle, Taaffe Road (continued from July 3, 1991 Council Meeting) <br /> The Director of Public Works reported that there had been no substantive <br /> changes to the map for Lands of Circle since the July 3rd meeting. <br /> However, this week staff had received a proposed change to the drainage <br /> ditch. <br /> September 4, 1991 <br /> 3 <br />