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Mr. Delos Circle, applicant, addressed the following issues concerning his <br /> proposed subdivision: size of house, lot stability, setbacks, visual impact, <br /> excess runoff, fault, slope and environmental checklist. <br /> Carol Crawford, 13023 Vista del Valle, stated her belief that the proposed <br /> subdivision was contrary to the Town's General Plan. She also noted that <br /> staff and the Planning Commission had recommended denial and she <br /> supported their recommendations. <br /> Terry Gossett, 26600 Elena, reiterated his concerns about drainage, effluence and <br /> earth slides. He noted that he had met with Mr. Circle and Mr. Nowack <br /> and while the new drainage plan was an improvement, he still had <br /> concerns. <br /> Glen Fuller, 12989 Vista del Valle, believed this was a very constrained building <br /> site and had concerns about drainage, stability, visual impact and slope. <br /> He also believed the proposed development was in conflict with the <br /> General Plan. <br /> William Sullivan, 26531 Taaffe Road, concurred with Mr. Fuller's comments <br /> and stated that he believed it was an issue of judgement and not just <br /> numbers. <br /> Tryon commented on the constraints of this lot and the drainage and density <br /> issues. She noted that there could be a secondary dwelling of 1,000 square <br /> feet or there could be additional conditions imposed such as single story, <br /> smaller house, no secondary dwelling. Siegel noted that the applicant did <br /> not need a subdivision for a secondary dwelling and he also noted that <br /> numbers for these lots were figured right to the limit with lot unit factors <br /> of 1.1 and 1.0. Johnson stated his two concerns. First that it was not <br /> appropriate to have a leach field in a conservation easement and secondly <br /> that the proposed development conflicted with the Town's General Plan <br /> and the Government Code. Casey stated that the proposed development <br /> just met the Town's requirements but it did meet them. She believed it <br /> was an issue of fairness but also noted that the size of the house should be <br /> limited. She suggested a meeting with Mr. Circle, staff and the neighbors <br /> to reach a proposal which addressed everyone's concerns. <br /> Paul Nowack, applicant's engineer, commented on the location of the leach <br /> field and noted that this had been approved by the Town Geologist and the <br /> Health Department. He also stated that the Town's Code did not preclude <br /> structures in conservation easements but Council did have to approve <br /> them. <br /> September 4, 1991 <br /> 4 <br />