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Mrs. Meyer, 26077 Torello Lane, noted that she had a letter to bring to Council's <br /> tibr attention on the other lot on the Lands of Oshima. She and the neighbors <br /> hoped that this letter addressing their concerns would be put in the file <br /> and the situation that arose this time could be avoided. Mrs. Meyer said <br /> she was not sure whether this was the appropriate time to submit this <br /> letter. Council advised her that she could either send the letter to Council <br /> or bring it up under Presentations from the Floor at the next Council <br /> meeting. <br /> 6.3 Appeal of the Planning Commission's Approval of a Request for a Site <br /> Development Permit for a New Residence and Swimming Pool, Lands <br /> of Shockley, 27781 Edgerton Road (continued from the July 17, Council <br /> Meeting) <br /> Mr. Shockley, applicant, commented that the staff report stated that the new <br /> drainage plan required grading and disruption of the land. He noted that <br /> it was a new drainage plan but not a change in the scope of the project. <br /> Mr. Shockley explained the new drainage system commenting on the flow <br /> of underground water and the surface flow. The redesigned drainage plan <br /> included a subterranean water cut-off trench along the entire southern <br /> property boundary to protect the envelope of the site. In addition the <br /> concrete "v" drains along both the southern and northern property <br /> boundries had been enlarged and extended. <br /> tor <br /> Mr. Ken Wright, 216791 Edgerton, referenced his recent letter to the Council <br /> and stated that he did not believe the new drainage plan addressed the <br /> issue of effluent material. He did believe the new drainage plan was a step <br /> in the right direction but also believed the applicant should be liable for <br /> the development on the lot. Since this was a spec house, who would be <br /> responsible. <br /> Mr. Lin, 27764 Edgerton Road, asked if there was still time for him to get a <br /> professional to review the new drainage plan. Mr. Lin stated that he had <br /> questions about this proposed plan especially since his land was wet now <br /> and we had had a drought for five years. <br /> Mr. Jeffery Lea, applicant's civil engineer and Mr. Gary Parikh, PSE Associates, <br /> addressed the Council on the drainage issues. They explained the <br /> proposed new drainage system, the location of the leach field which they <br /> believed had little room to be moved because of the stability of the bank, <br /> the elevation of the leach line and the purpose and location of the "v" <br /> ditch. <br /> Mr. Shockley, applicant, stated that he did not know whether it was a spec <br /> house or not and regarding the liability issue, he had liability insurance <br /> 4140, and would be glad to provide copies of his policy to the Town. <br /> September 4, 1991 <br /> 7 <br />