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MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Tryon, seconded by Casey <br /> 411, and passed by the following roll call vote to deny the appeal and approve a <br /> site development permit for a new residence and swimming pool for <br /> Lands of Shockley, 27781 Edgerton Road, subject to the conditions of <br /> approval as recommended by the Planning Commission, the conditions <br /> stated in Wilsey and Ham's letter dated 9/3/91, the condition that the <br /> septic drain field be moved as far as possible and the condition that the <br /> applicant bring a certificate of liability insurance to the Town at the time of <br /> his building permit. <br /> AYES: Mayor Hubbard and Councilmembers Casey and Tryon <br /> NOES: Councilmembers Johnson and Siegel <br /> Siegel noted that the maximum floor area and maximum development area <br /> were totally using all available footage. It was a large home on a restrained <br /> piece of property. Johnson stated that he was concerned about the <br /> insurance issue, leach field conditions, aquifer issue, total use of allowed <br /> development and floor areas and that fact that the house did not fit on the <br /> lot. <br /> 6.4 Ordinance Amending Chapter 1 (Zoning) of Title 10 (Zoning and Site <br /> Development) Regarding Setback Lines (FIRST READING) <br /> The Director of Public Works' staff report included the notation that the <br /> Building Up and Building Out Subcommittee had recommended <br /> amendment of the Zoning Ordinance to allow for encroachment of eaves <br /> and similar structures into the setback. <br /> Siegel stated that he did not think this was a good ordinance. He believed it <br /> was for those building houses right up to the maximums and thought the <br /> houses should be placed further back to encourage a sense of openness. <br /> Tryon believed that larger setbacks should be required for larger homes <br /> and also reiterated her statement that the planning guidebook should be <br /> in place. Casey suggested that the Planning Commission be directed to <br /> look at the suggestion made by Councilmember Tryon. Hubbard noted <br /> that the Town's ordinances were different from other nearby communities <br /> in that the Town measured setbacks to the eaves and not to the sides of the <br /> house. Current ordinances tended to encourage building of houses with <br /> no overhangs. This could prove to be confusing for those building in the <br /> Town. Johnson stated that he could not support this ordinance, especially <br /> as it addressed window surfaces. <br /> MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Tryon, seconded by Johnson <br /> and passed by the following roll call vote to continue this item and to <br /> direct the Planning Commission to look at the issue of front yard setbacks <br /> September 4, 1991 <br /> 8 <br />