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Fire Chief Landrum made the following comments in response to the <br /> questions raised. He noted that the 30' minimum for landscaping was <br /> important as fire could travel very fast. Regarding the responsibility for <br /> eucalyptus trees it was difficult to enforce as it was hard in some cases to <br /> determine who owned them. In response to the Mayor's question about <br /> adapters he stated that there were State standards for outlets but these were <br /> not mandatory. Mr. Landrum commented that salt water was not used in the <br /> States as it was very expensive to get the equipment. Regarding the issue of <br /> stations, he noted that the Fire Commission was currently looking at the El <br /> Monte Station and Palo Alto, Mountain View and Los Altos were looking at <br /> the possibility of joint facilities. A study was also underway on the <br /> equipment. In summary, Mr. Landrum noted the key words: mitigation, <br /> response and recovery which included adequate road widths, adequate water, <br /> fire retardant roofs, adequate addressing of properties and appropriate <br /> landscaping. <br /> Captain Robert Wilson stated that once an evacuation is declared no one can <br /> get back into the area and arrests will be made if necessary. He also noted that <br /> police and fire work together immediately in responding to a disaster but one <br /> of the problems of the Oakland fire was that it moved so fast. In response to a <br /> question regarding whether or not there was a plan for the evacuation of <br /> large animals in case of a disaster, Captain Wilson noted that there was not. <br /> iby Their priority was the safe evacuation of the residents and oftentimes the <br /> horse trailers in such a situation prevented emergency crews from getting <br /> through. <br /> Dennis Ikerd noted that undergrounding utilities did not provide that much <br /> of an advantage over overhead. <br /> E. Summary <br /> Mayor Hubbard thanked everyone for attending this meeting. It had been <br /> most informative and he noted that many of the issues and concerns raised <br /> would be discussed further by the Council. <br /> 3. PRESENTATIONS FROM THE FLOOR <br /> November 19, 1991 <br /> 6 <br />