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ihr <br /> Johnson commented on the cost of the yard waste recycling program (about <br /> $60,000/year) and on the number of people using the program. He did not believe it <br /> was a very large number of people and if this were the case the rest of the Town was <br /> subsidizing this program. Johnson recommended that issue be reviewed by staff <br /> and Council. <br /> PASSED BY CONSENSUS: To direct the City Manager to prepare a staff report on <br /> the yard waste program including number of people using the program and the <br /> costs involved and on the issue of whether the franchise agreement which expires <br /> in July of 1992 will go out for bid. <br /> Elayne Dauber, 27930 Roble Alto, noted that there were mounds of mulch at the <br /> Zanker Road Site. The Director of Public Works responded that most of the waste <br /> leaving the Town was made into chips and used at the cogeneration plant. <br /> Stephanie Munoz, 13460 Robleda, noted that before the Town started the yard waste <br /> program at a cost of$60,000 residents took care of it themselves. She also suggested <br /> that a mulcher could be moved throughout the Town and residents could take their <br /> yard waste to the mulcher. <br /> The City Manager noted that Jon Angin of Los Altos Garbage Company had agreed <br /> to fund a consultant to review their financial contract and rate structure. This <br /> consultant would work for the Town but be paid by Los Altos Garbage Company. A <br /> proposal had been discussed with Mr. Peasley from Southern California whose rates <br /> were approximately $100/hour. The City Manager stated that he knew Mr. Peasley <br /> and he had a reputation for being the best in his field. Siegel expressed concerns <br /> about getting a consultant from Southern California because of travel costs and <br /> believed the Town should look locally and Casey thought $100/hr. was too <br /> expensive. It was agreed that this matter of a consultant should be agendized for the <br /> next Council meeting if it was going to be discussed further and decided upon. <br /> Tryon also suggested that representatives from the Los Altos Garbage Company be <br /> present for the discussion of this item. <br /> 8. NEW BUSINESS <br /> 8.1 Request for Support of a Proposal for a Cities Association Standing <br /> Committee on Legislation <br /> November 20, 1991 <br /> 7 <br />