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Libby Lucas, Los Altos, suggested that the conditions of the project include a <br /> continuous riparian corridor for Hale Creek, development according to <br /> FEMA standards and, regarding the lake management plan, care of what <br /> gets into the gravel water cascade. <br /> Nat Gorham, 15829 Stonebrook, stated that he was currently in the County and <br /> he had no personal preference as to whether he remained in the County <br /> or was annexed to the Town. He did believe however that the Town had <br /> handled this project very poorly and some resolution regarding the project <br /> needed to be made. There were not a lot of options for the land and in his <br /> opinion Hale Creek was dry not because of the quarry but because there <br /> had been no rain. Mr. Gorham knew Mr. Vidovich and believed the <br /> Town would be well represented with a project done by Mr. Vidovich. <br /> Mr. Gorham supported option #4. <br /> Fran Stevenson, 26989 Beaver Lane, inquired whether or not the Town would <br /> have a handle on the pathway issue with option #4. <br /> Johnson stated that he believed the overriding issue about annexation was that <br /> the Town would retain control over the development. With a new City <br /> Manager, new Planner and the Director of Public Works leaving there was <br /> no way the Town could annex the property. In addition if the Town did <br /> annex the staff would be so busy with the quarry project that nothing else <br /> would get done. He supported option #4 with the sewers going through <br /> the Lands of McCulloch and believed the Town would still have <br /> significant input on the project. Mr. Vidovich was asking that the County <br /> use the Town's one acre minimum and slope density formula. Johnson <br /> also noted that the sale of the property to Midpeninsula Regional Open <br /> Space District might fall through if the project was delayed. Johnson also <br /> stated that he did not agree with a development agreement as he thought <br /> it was too restricting. As the EIR was still being done it was not at all clear <br /> how many lots Mr. Vidovich would get. <br /> Tryon stated that she was uncomfortable with option #4. She noted that the <br /> Council at one time had been uncomfortable with 19 lots and now they <br /> were considering more lots supposedly to save the sale with Midpeninsula <br /> Regional Open Space District. On this subject Tryon noted that the <br /> MROSD had voted to condemn the property; the agreement revolved <br /> around price. She was not sure any of the options were in the best interest <br /> of the Town and by the Council's decision they would be sending a <br /> message to the County for a twenty five lot subdivision. The Town <br /> should be developing what they want for the project and should be <br /> looking at the future responsibilities of the Town. <br /> ftilw <br /> December 4, 1991 <br /> 5 <br />