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AYES: Mayor Hubbard and Councilmembers Casey and Johnson <br /> 11610 NOES: Mayor Pro Tern Tryon <br /> ABSENT: Councilmember Siegel <br /> MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Tryon, seconded by Johnson <br /> and passed by all members present to introduce ordinance amending Title <br /> 5 of Chapter 7 of the Los Altos Hills Municipal Code Regulating Hours of <br /> Construction as amended. <br /> 9. REPORTS FROM COMMITTEES, SUB-COMMITTEES, AND <br /> COUNCILMEMBERS ON OUTSIDE AGENCIES <br /> 9.1 Council Sub-Committee (Siegel and Tryon) on Planning Issues <br /> Hubbard commented that he had received a call from someone who had drawn <br /> up plans for a project in Town only to find out that the Town does not <br /> allow eaves in the setbacks. Tryon also noted that she had spoken with <br /> someone and she suggested they write a letter which they did not do. <br /> Hubbard suggested that since this sub-committee had several issues to <br /> address it might be possible to take them one at a time and to take the <br /> issue of eaves first. Tryon stated that she would ask Siegel for his <br /> comments on this suggestion. <br /> %kv 10. STAFF REPORTS <br /> 10.1 City Manager <br /> 10.1.1 Adjustments to City Council, Planning Commission and <br /> Committee Compensation <br /> Council had before them the City Manager's staff report dated 12/18/91 which <br /> noted that in July 1991 the IRS had issued a directive which changed the <br /> status of the expense allowances earned by Councilmembers, <br /> Commissioners and certain Committeemembers. Per this directive, as of <br /> July 1, 1991 these forms of compensation became subject to deductions <br /> from FICA and this amounted to a 7.65% deduction from the gross <br /> amount. The staff report includes the following options for <br /> implementation until June 1992: 1) Establish all compensation ($150, $50 <br /> and $20) as "salary"; 2) Reduce the compensation by the required amount <br /> of FICA as required by the IRS Circular; and 3) Allow City Council <br /> members to apply for and be reimbursed for actual and necessary expenses <br /> incurred in the performance of official duties per Government Code <br /> Section 36514.5. <br /> December 18, 1991 <br /> Regular Meeting <br /> 11 <br />