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12/18/1991 (2)
City Clerk
City Council Minutes
12/18/1991 (2)
Entry Properties
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6/1/2015 3:38:45 PM
Creation date
6/1/2015 3:27:53 PM
Regular Meeting Minutes
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stated that she viewed this property from all but two rooms of her house, <br /> and so the height of the structure would impact her view. Mrs. Silins also <br /> commented on the removal of trees from the Ben-Artzi property and the <br /> ineffectiveness of requiring landscaping as it was often not put in after a <br /> project was approved. <br /> June Dean, 27677 Lupine Road, stated her concerns about the Ben-Artzi project. <br /> She saw still a massive, obtrusive, three-story home on a hillside that <br /> would have a significant negative impact on her property. She showed <br /> pictures of the Ben-Artzi property from her land and the Silins property <br /> and noted the impact on the neighborhood of the trees that had already <br /> been removed from the Ben-Artzi project. The pictures showed today's <br /> low level one-story home and she believed you could not possibly put a <br /> two-story home there and mitigate the view. <br /> Young Kim, 27830 Via Feliz, commented that he believed the good neighbor <br /> policy was important but he had concerns about the applicant's attitude. It <br /> appeared he believed he could do whatever he wanted with his property <br /> and Mr. Kim did not agree with this approach. Mr. Kim also noted a <br /> conversation he had had with Mr. Ben-Artzi about an antenna on his <br /> property for which Mr. Kim noted he had received the appropriate <br /> permits. There seemed to be a difference of opinion between Mr. Young <br /> and Mr. Ben-Artzi over the conditions, covenants and restrictions and the <br /> deed restrictions of the subdivision concerning this antenna. <br /> Dot Schreiner, 14301 Saddle Mountain Drive, stated that the slides presented by <br /> Mr. Ben-Artzi were misleading. The Ben-Artzi site was very visible now <br /> and would be even more so when the house was built. The house was <br /> definitely on a hilltop. The eucalyptus trees did not shield the proposed <br /> house which she believed was two and one half stories, with three sets of <br /> windows visible. <br /> Theresa McDaniel, Chairman - Environmental Design and Protection <br /> Committee, noted that the purpose of the Town ordinances was to get <br /> away from stacked houses because when a house sits on a hillside and <br /> then another house sits on a hillside, that is the problem - you lose the <br /> distance between them. She believed the proposed Ben-Artzi project was a <br /> large massive house on a hillside. Mrs. McDaniel referred to the Fenwick <br /> house and believed it was very well designed. It was "of the hill" not "on <br /> it". She further did not believe that the proposed oaks were going to <br /> mitigate the project. <br /> Brigita Silins, 27693 Lupine Road, concurred with Mrs. McDaniel's comments. <br /> She too had no objection to the Fenwick house and thought it was <br /> December 18, 1991 <br /> Regular Meeting <br /> 6 <br />
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