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12/18/1991 (2)
City Clerk
City Council Minutes
12/18/1991 (2)
Entry Properties
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Regular Meeting Minutes
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architecturally beautiful. Mrs. Silins stated that there were many factors to <br /> IIW take into consideration when reviewing a project. <br /> Peter Shaw, applicant's landscape architect, stated that what makes a difference <br /> is the integrity of site planning, the landscape design and the height of the <br /> structures. <br /> Carol Gottlieb, 24290 Summerhill, stated that the purpose of the new Site <br /> Development Ordinance was to not allow houses with three-story facades. <br /> From what she had seen, she believed the Ben-Artzi house was three-story <br /> on one side. Mrs. Gottlieb noted that the house should fit in with the <br /> land, and if it doesn't, no landscaping will hide the house. <br /> Sharyn Adkisson, 27673 Lupine Road, commented that Mr. Ben-Artzi had <br /> removed all of the eucalyptus trees and she did not understand how he <br /> could do this. <br /> Peter Shaw, applicant's landscape architect, commented on the screening <br /> planned for the property. He stated that at least twelve oaks were going to <br /> be planted and within two or three years they would be almost solid. He <br /> stated that he was an expert at environmental design, had done <br /> landscaping for all types of homes and could prove that native screening <br /> would be solid. Mr. Shaw believed the 25' to 30' tall oak trees would be a <br /> mitigating factor for the Ben-Artzi project. <br /> Bob Owen, applicant's developer, stated that they had removed the trees they <br /> were supposed to and none others. <br /> June Dean, 27677 Lupine Road, stated that there were two trees in front of the <br /> property which were supposed to be removed but five were removed. <br /> Mr. Ben-Artzi, applicant, responded to several of the comments made. <br /> Regarding the eucalyptus trees he said they had to be taken out because <br /> they were a fire hazard. He had received warnings from his attorney and <br /> insurance company. He was willing to include all mitigation measures as <br /> conditions of approval and believed that the 27' high oak trees provided <br /> adequate mitigation on the east side of the property. Mr. Ben-Artzi stated <br /> that his number one priority was privacy and seclusion. <br /> blur December 18, 1991 <br /> Regular Meeting <br /> 7 <br />
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