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Hubbard referred to the impact of the house on the view from certain areas. He <br /> was concerned about the preservation of the ridgeline and believed it <br /> should be a one story house. Johnson referenced the section of the code <br /> on siting and stated that in his opinion there were two problems: the fact <br /> that this was a ridgeline and the fact that it should be a one story house. <br /> The proposed house appeared to be a three story house and did not meet <br /> the intent of the Town's Code or General Plan. Casey believed the house <br /> could not be more appropriately sited. The applicant had lowered the <br /> house to 23' and a 23' two story house would be the same as a 23' one story <br /> house. Casey further commented that she believed the neighbors did not <br /> like the architecture and the size of the home and also noted that the <br /> Fenwick's house was a three story house. She believed if Council wanted <br /> to make these decisions they should have architectural control and change <br /> the ordinances. <br /> MOTION FAILED DUE TO LACK OF A SECOND: Moved by Casey to approve <br /> a site development permit for a new residence, tennis Court and <br /> swimming pool for Land of Ben-Artzi, 27800 Via Feliz., <br /> MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Hubbard, seconded by <br /> Johnson and passed by the following roll call vote to tentatively deny <br /> ` without prejudice the request for a site development permit for a new <br /> IW residence, tennis Court and swimming pool for Land of Ben-Artzi, 27800 <br /> Via Feliz and to direct the Planner to return at the January 15, 1992 <br /> Council Meeting with a statement of specific findings for the denial. <br /> AYES: Mayor Hubbard and Councilmembers Johnson and Tryon <br /> NOES: Councilmember Casey <br /> ABSENT: Councilmember Siegel <br /> Douglas Aikins, applicant's attorney, asked for a clarification of the vote to deny <br /> "without prejudice" and asked if that meant all administrative remedies <br /> had been exhausted. The City Attorney responded positively. <br /> 6.3 Request for a Variance to the Fence Height/Setback Requirements of <br /> the Zoning Code, Lands of Forward, 10575 Blandor Way <br /> Council had received a letter from the applicant, Dr. Forward, stating that she <br /> was unable to attend the meeting and also stating that she did not find the <br /> recommendations made at the November 20th Council Meeting <br /> acceptable. <br /> December 18, 1991 <br /> Regular Meeting <br /> 8 <br />