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dedicated, it would fall under the California Vehicle Code and it would be dangerous. <br /> Mr. Rob Kuler, Los Altos, asked if there were other alternatives. Mr. Brian Hening, <br /> Mountain View, commented on what he saw as problems with Alternative A such as <br /> the elimination of the separate driveways. <br /> Mr. Paul Nowack, applicant's engineer, stated the his client had no objection to any <br /> alternative chosen by the Council but he did believe that there should be an equal <br /> distribution of cost between the parties involved. <br /> Casey stated that she was not in favor of Alternative A. Tryon commented that the <br /> safety of the children was important and the Council was not always necessarily in <br /> agreement with proposals made by the Town's consultants. She urged that aggressive <br /> action with Caltrans be pursued regarding the off ramp off I5280 onto El Monte. <br /> The Director of Public Works, in response to an inquiry from Council, stated that in his <br /> opinion this intersection was an accident waiting to happen. It was just fortunate that <br /> almost everyone using it knew where they were going. In 1985 when the conditional <br /> har use permit for St. Nicholas School was discussed, it was noted that the access for Lands <br /> of Clausen might be addressed in the future. The Director of Public Works also <br /> commented that the Alternative B referred in the staff report was no longer a viable <br /> option. <br /> MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Casey, seconded by Tryon and passed <br /> by the following roll call vote to eliminate the option of one joint entry onto El Monte <br /> Road from Voorhees Drive and St. Nicholas School and to direct staff to work with <br /> Caltrans on the safety issue of the off ramp at El Monte and IS280 and the intersection <br /> of Voorhees, St. Nicholas and El Monte. <br /> AYES: Mayor Casey and Councilmembers Tryon and van Tamelen <br /> NOES: None <br /> ABSENT: Mayor Pro Tern Siegel <br /> ABSTAIN: Councilmember Johnson <br /> 6.4 Proposed Annexation, Lands of Finn, Prospect -- Reso # <br /> lior Councilmembers stated that they had no disclosures to make regarding the Lands of <br /> February 7, 1990 <br /> 10 <br />