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City Council Minutes
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Last modified
6/2/2015 10:45:46 AM
Creation date
6/2/2015 10:45:43 AM
Regular Meeting Minutes
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the neighbors had indicated they did not want the path nor did they want the trees cut <br /> `' down. The property was pretty as it was. In addition, Mrs. Raman asked if they reduced <br /> their plans for the house would they be required to give a path and the response was <br /> no. <br /> Mrs. Carmella Saviano, 12620 Corte Madera Lane, noted that she had served on the <br /> Pathways Committee for many years in past history and privacy was always an <br /> important issue. In this case the pathway seemed to near the bedrooms of the house. <br /> Mrs. Fran Stevenson, 26989 Beaver Lane, noted that children used the pathways and <br /> even if those presently living in the neighborhood said they would not use the path, in <br /> the future the residents might want to use it. <br /> Tryon stated her concerns about safety, privacy, accessibility and circulation. She also <br /> noted that it was not the Planning Commission's responsibility to decide on liability <br /> issues. Tryon supported the Planning Commission's decision to remove the pathway <br /> requirement. van Tamelen stated that the pathway system was part of the <br /> development of the lots. There were no other parks in the Town and the pathway <br /> system was important. She believed the Town needed this connection. Johnson and <br /> Casey supported the Planning Commission's decision to remove the pathway <br /> 1hr requirement. <br /> MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Johnson, seconded by Casey and <br /> passed by the following roll call vote to deny the appeal and to uphold the Planning <br /> Commission's decision to remove the requirement for a five-foot pathway dedication <br /> from a site development permit. <br /> AYES: Mayor Casey and Councilmembers Johnson and Tryon <br /> NOES: Councilmember van Tamelen <br /> ABSENT: Mayor Pro Tem Siegel <br /> 6.2 Site Development Permit, Lands of Ng, 12700 Leander Drive <br /> van Tamelen and Tryon stated that they had been to the site but had had no contact <br /> with the applicants. Johnson stated that he had met the applicants socially and had <br /> recently run into Mr. Ng at Town Hall; he had not been to the property. Casey reported <br /> that she had been at the Planning Commission when the Ng's application was <br /> discussed and had spoken with them at that time. After the Council appealed the <br /> Planning Commission's decision, Mr. Ng called her. He was upset at the appeal and <br /> 1r that he had to wait until 2/7/90 for the hearing. Casey stated she explained to him that <br /> February 7, 1990 <br /> 6 <br />
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