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City Council Minutes
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Last modified
6/2/2015 10:45:46 AM
Creation date
6/2/2015 10:45:43 AM
Regular Meeting Minutes
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klew <br /> AYES: Mayor Casey and Councilmember Johnson <br /> NOES: Councilmembers Tryon and van Tamelen <br /> ABSENT: Mayor Pro Tern Siegel <br /> Mr. Anthony Lagorio, applicant's attorney, asked if the Planning Commission's <br /> decision was final since this vote failed. The City Attorney responded that this motion <br /> could be reconsidered at this meeting or at the next. <br /> MOTION SECONDED AND WITHDRAWN: Moved by Johnson, seconded by Casey <br /> and withdrawn to issue the Ngs a building permit. <br /> Tryon and van Tamelen stated that they would not pursue any further appeals by the <br /> Council on this subject. <br /> 6.3 Access and Intersection Design, Lands of Clausen, Voorhees Drive <br /> Johnson stepped down from consideration of this item due a possible conflict of <br /> interest. <br /> 111Y► van Tamelen stated that she had spoken with several people in the neighborhood who <br /> believed the proposed y-section was dangerous. She also noted she had visited the site. <br /> Casey stated she had visited the site but had not spoken specifically with anyone about <br /> this issue. Tryon stated that she had received several phone calls regarding the safety <br /> issue. <br /> Mr. Bruce Barnes, Wilsey & Ham, presented slides and a description of the intersection <br /> at Voorhees and El Monte and explained the rationale behind the recommendation <br /> that there be one joint entry onto El Monte from Voorhees and St. Nicholas School. He <br /> stated that it was not a visually apparant driveway and the average speed on El Monte <br /> was 35 - 45 mph. Other complexities of the intersection were people coming off the off <br /> ramp onto El Monte and zipping into the inside lane. There was also the potential of <br /> trees blocking people trying to make turns and people misunderstanding the lights at <br /> the intersection. Mr. Barnes further noted that there was the danger of people thinking <br /> that Voorhees was one way or of going on Voorhees when they actually meant to go on <br /> St. Nicholas. <br /> John Brown, Los Altos, stated that one could definitely see cars making turns from St. <br /> Nicholas onto El Monte. Mrs. Saviano, 12620 Corte Madera Lane, asked what the legal <br /> iY width of Voorhees Drive was and also commented that her family had been in grading <br /> February 7, 1990 <br /> 8 <br />
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