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6/2/2015 10:45:46 AM
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6/2/2015 10:45:43 AM
Regular Meeting Minutes
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lbw for 35 years and this driveway had a 35% grade. She wondered why St. Nicholas was <br /> being brought into this when they seemed to be pleased with the way it was. Ms. Mary <br /> O'Shea, Los Altos, asked why the Sheriff's Department sat on St. Nicholas Drive if they <br /> couldn't see because of the trees. Ms. Ro Taylor, Los Altos, commented that neither <br /> Voorhees nor St. Nicholas were thoroughfares; people knew where they were going. <br /> She also referred to a meeting last year at which time the problem seemed to be off <br /> ramp traffic onto El Monte. At that time signs were going to be placed which said <br /> 'prepare to stop'. Ms. Mary Jo Dorey, Los Altos, asked how many accidents there had <br /> been at the intersection and was told 4-5 a year. Ms. Trish McKee, representing the <br /> Student Council of St. Nicholas School, supported keeping St. Nicholas and Voorhees <br /> separate driveways. Ms. Elizabeth Scharentz, 12195 Winton Way, stated her concerns <br /> for the safety of her schoolmates. Ms. Nora Repetto, Los Altos, commented that the <br /> grade had not been referenced and she believed it was a blind area. Mr. Jim Steinmetz, <br /> Voorhees Drive, commented on the grading issue and asked how people were going to <br /> get to the median on El Monte if the crosswalk was removed. <br /> Mr. Bill Owen Voorhees, stated that the believed the important issues were safety, <br /> visibility and grading. In his opinion the proposed Alternative A resulted in an <br /> uncontrolled situation for children and cars with no lights. Mr. Ted Hoff, 13280 Barley <br /> Hill Road, stated that he believed the safety of the children at St. Nicholas was the most <br /> important issue and he also noted that 80% of the traffic made the trip every day with <br /> St. Nicholas bearing most of the traffic. Ms. Lois Bauer, Principal - St. Nicholas School, <br /> commented on the proposed Alternative A and stated that she believed it was the most <br /> unsafe plan imagined. In the three years she had been at St. Nicholas she had not <br /> heard of one accident and she also believed the signals were clear. Sister Katherine, St. <br /> Nicholas School, commented that she found it hard to believe the Council had the <br /> safety of the children in mind. There wasn't even a bicycle nor a pedestrian pathway <br /> on the plans. Sister Katherine further commented that while she did not believe the <br /> present intersection was perfectly safe, she did not believe that Alternative A made it <br /> more safe. <br /> Mr. Bob Summers, representing the Roman Catholic Bishop of San Jose, noted that the <br /> school was on a fight budget and was not in a financial position to get involved in the <br /> redesign of the driveway. Neither he nor their safety person who reports on such <br /> projects saw the benefit in Alternative A unless it were to just make it a more <br /> prestigious driveway. Mr. Bruce Barstow, Los Altos, stated that if the markings of the <br /> crosswalk were removed, the crosswalk would still remain. In addition, if the road was <br /> Ihr <br /> February 7, 1990 <br /> 9 <br />
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