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MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Siegel, seconded by van Tamelen and <br /> passed by the following roll call vote to select Plan D as the preferred Town Center <br /> Master Plan concept and to direct staff to prepare a rough time schedule and costs for <br /> initial phases of work (those related to parking and pavement management) for the <br /> selected alternate. <br /> AYES: Mayor Pro Tern Siegel and Councilmembers Johnson and van Tamelen <br /> NOES: Mayor Casey and Councilmember Tryon <br /> Tryon stated that this plan could ultimately cost one-half million dollars and she did <br /> not believe this was a fiscally sound choice. She also did not believe that the safety <br /> issue had been fully studied. <br /> 7. UNFINISHED BUSINESS <br /> 7.1 Schedule of Issues Related to Quarry Hills Subdivision Project <br /> PASSED BY CONSENSUS: To adopt the tentative schedule for consideration of <br /> proposed Quarry Hills subdivision issues as outlined by the City Manager in his report <br /> dated 3/15/90 (on file at Town Hall). <br /> It was also agreed by Council that time limits would be placed on discussion of these <br /> items and it would be noted on the agendas that no action would be taken on these <br /> items. <br /> Mr. Clyde Noel, Planning Commissioner, stated that the Planning Commission had <br /> not felt they had had enough information when the project was before them. <br /> 8. NEW BUSINESS <br /> 8.1 Request from Larry Stone, Chairman of the Arts Council of Santa Clara <br /> County for a $2,000 Contribution to the Arts Council <br /> MOTION FAILED DUE TO LACK OF A SECOND: Moved by Johnson to table the <br /> request from the Arts Council of Santa Clara. <br /> MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by van Tamelen, seconded by Johnson <br /> March 21, 1990 <br /> 10 <br />