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4.7 Closure of Sewer Assessment District No. 9, Debt Service Fund <br /> 4.8 Proposed Contract for City Attorney Services <br /> 4.9 Actions of the Planning Commission: Approved the Following: <br /> 4.9.1 Approval of Variance to the Fence Height/Setback Requirements <br /> of the Zoning Code, Lands of Packard/Lang, Taaffe Road <br /> Items Removed: <br /> 4.1 February 21, 1990 - Minutes of the February 21, 1990 Regular Meeting <br /> PASSED BY CONSENSUS: To make the following correction to the minutes of the <br /> February 21, 1990 meeting and to continue approval of these minutes to allow the City <br /> Clerk the opportunity to check the tape regarding the issue of concensus on page 7 <br /> concerning the activities of the Mayor: page 15, Item 10.2.1, second sentence should <br /> read: "The conclusion in this particular case was that the ad hoc committees did not <br /> need to be noticed, but the court so held that they would be if they were Council <br /> lw appointed." Council further asked the City Attorney to provide them with an opinion <br /> on this subject. <br /> 4.1 March 7, 1990 - Minutes of Adjourned Regular Meeting <br /> MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Tryon, seconded by van Tamelen <br /> and passed unanimously to approve the minutes of the March 7, 1990 Adjourned <br /> Regular Meeting with the correction that the aspects of the two models of local <br /> governments be listed side by side for purposes of clarification. <br /> 4.2. March 7, 1990 - Minutes of the Regular Meeting <br /> PASSED BY CONSENSUS: To make the following corrections to the minutes of the <br /> March 7, 1990 regular meeting and to continue approval of these minutes to allow the <br /> City Clerk the opportunity to expand the comments on Item 7.1, page 8, second <br /> paragraph: page 6, Item 6.1, first paragraph delete 'due to a possible conflict of interest; <br /> page 11, Item 7.2, add second paragraph: 'van Tamelen asked if any changes to the <br /> Town's ordinances should be made as a result of the post earthquake evaluation and <br /> Mr. Cotton stated that he did not believe changes to the ordinances were necessary.'. <br /> March 21, 1990 <br /> 3 <br />