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03/21/1990 (2)
City Clerk
City Council Minutes
03/21/1990 (2)
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Last modified
6/2/2015 11:42:54 AM
Creation date
6/2/2015 11:42:52 AM
Regular Meeting Minutes
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steps to encourage the planting of oak trees or other significant trees throughout the <br /> Town. <br /> Mr. Richard McGowan, 27150 Julietta Lane, commented on the pruning issue and <br /> noted that several subdivisions in the Town had conditions, covenants and restrictions <br /> (CC&Rs) which addressed the cutting of trees and impact on neighbors' views. He <br /> asked what the Town's policy was on this matter and was advised that the neighbors' <br /> views were protected by the landscape policy. Mr. McGowan noted that there were trees <br /> being planted on Altamont by the Town which were impacting residents' views. Mr. <br /> James Creek, 24712 Olive Tree Court, spoke about his neighbors cutting down trees <br /> which were right on the property line between their lots and the impact this had on his <br /> property. <br /> Mrs. Jean Struthers, member - Environmental Design and Protection Committee, <br /> supported the tree ordinance and noted that she had received phone calls from Liz <br /> Dana and Herman Spector who also supported the ordinance but were unable to attend <br /> the meeting. Mrs. Joan Earnest, 12769 Dianne Drive, commented that she believed the <br /> older, mature trees should be preserved. Mrs. Elayne Dauber, 27930 Roble Alto, <br /> reminded everyone that a complete Council packet was now available at the library and <br /> kir she further commented that it was the responsibility of Council to see beyond the <br /> concept of "I can do what I want with my property". Mrs. Rosemary Meyerott, Town <br /> Historian, suggested that the following might also be heritage trees: the apricot tree <br /> orchard behind the Heritage House; the Olive groves at Hidden Villa (in the County); <br /> and trees at Altamont & Taaffe; Moody & Rhus Ridge, and Black Mountain Court. Mr. <br /> Walter Babbitt, 27911 Via Ventana, commented on how the view from his home had <br /> been impacted by the removal of trees and supported an ordinance which would save <br /> trees. Mr. Quilicci, 26350 Julietta, supported the tree ordinance. Dr. Howard Martin, <br /> 11666 Dawson, responded to the suggestion that signs could be placed on designated <br /> heritage trees. He referenced the "Save the Redwoods League" and believed donations <br /> were a much better idea than signing trees. Casey read a letter from Fran Codispoti, <br /> 25594 Elena Road. The letter addresses issues such as the age of trees, enforcement, and <br /> the Site Development Process to protect trees. Mrs. Codispoti was opposed to the <br /> ordinance and believed people should be urged to plant trees. <br /> March 21, 1990 <br /> 6 <br />
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