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,w•Y - . • <br /> • RESOLUTION NO. 18-87 <br /> A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF <br /> LOS ALTOS HILLS DECLARING A SURPLUS IN <br /> SEWER ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NOS_ 1 AND 2, <br /> AND DIRECTING TRANSFER THEREOF TO THE LOS ALTOS <br /> SEWER BASIN FUND <br /> RESOLVED, by the City Council of the Town of Los Altos Hills, County <br /> of Santa Clara, State of California, as follows: <br /> WHEREAS, the City Council pursuant to each Resolution of Intention <br /> hereinafter set forth, or as subsequently amended, provided for the <br /> acquisition and construction of certain improvements in and for the Town, as <br /> described in said Resolution of Intention, or as subsequently amended, and <br /> for the collection of assessments to pay the costs thereof; and <br /> WHEREAS, assessments were levied of which a part were paid in cash, <br /> and bonds were issued against the unpaid assessments pursuant to the <br /> provisions of the statute set opposite each Resolution of Intention <br /> hereinafter; and <br /> WHEREAS, following the completion of construction of the <br /> improvements and payment of all incidental expenses provided in each <br /> respective Resolution of Intention, or as subsequently amended, a balance <br /> remains which is surplus' to each respective Improvement Project as <br /> hereinafter set forth and isover and above the amount needed for the <br /> improvement and bond redemption fund; and . <br />