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_• • 155PGE1248 <br /> WHEREAS, notice of said hearing was duly given and made in the time.. <br /> form, manner and by publication and posting, in the mariner required in the <br /> aforementioned Statute, and proof thereof is on file with said City Council; <br /> and <br /> WHEREAS, no protests, either written or oral, were filed with or <br /> received -by said City Council respecting said proposed vacation and <br /> abandonment, and the Planning Commission having submitted its report and <br /> recommendation; <br /> AND, said City Council being advised in said matter finds that, from all <br /> the evidence submitted, the above-described portion of a certain street <br /> easement is unnecessary for present or prospective public purposes by <br /> reason of the following findings of fact; <br /> 1. Another portion of Ursula Lane and Edgerton Road were created after <br /> the street easement proposed to be abandoned was provided to the Town. <br /> 2. The present Ursula Lane and Edgerton Road serve as existing access <br /> roads to slack Mountain Road for the properties which were originally to <br /> have been served by the street easement proposed to be abandoned. <br /> AND, the City Council further finds that the public convenience and <br /> necessity do not require the reservation of any portion of the street <br /> easement described in Exhibit "A" <br /> -2- <br />