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AYES: Everyone <br /> MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Tryon, seconded by <br /> Johnson and approved by the following roll call vote to adept Regularf ' <br /> Ordinance M"TR•s�✓ <br /> AYES: Everyone <br /> 7.5 (Originally 4.12) Los Altos Sewer Operating and Reserve Fund <br /> Mayor Casey believes a public hearing should be held before raising rates. <br /> MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Tryon and seconded by <br /> Casey to continue to July 24 and to include this issue in the Agenda Digest in <br /> the Town Crier and other publications, highlighting that there is a potential <br /> rate increase. <br /> 8. NEW BUSINESS <br /> 8.1 Letter from Mrs. Rauwendaal concerning Drainage Pipe at Roble <br /> Veneno Lane and Concepcion <br /> `, Mrs. Rauwendaal, 12693 Roble Veneno Lane, states her concerns similar to <br /> her original letter. The retaining walls have still not been put up. Bill Ekern <br /> felt it was more of an urgency item to proceed with the work on the other <br /> storm drain projects. Mayor Casey is concerned with the fact that Mrs. <br /> Rauwendaal wrote the Town on September 9, 1989, and received a reply <br /> September 25 stating all would be taken care of. Casey recommends it be <br /> given the highest consideration at the budget meeting. <br /> MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Johnson and seconded by <br /> Tryon to acknowledge report being heard and to address this item at the <br /> Budget meeting. <br /> 8.2 Deadline for Waivers Regarding Earthquake Repairs <br /> MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Tryon and seconded by <br /> Johnson to acknowledge and file the following report regarding the July 17 <br /> deadline for waiver of fees. <br /> 8.3 Status Report on Hidden Villa <br /> Tryon comments that the people of Hidden Villa were not able to come to the <br /> , Council meeting. There was a great deal of interest from the community in <br /> June 20, 1990 <br /> 8 <br />