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Mrs. Mary Stutz, 25310 Elena, commented that a similar accident occurred five years <br /> ago on the same slick driveway as the one Mrs. Emling's daughter had been injured <br /> on. <br /> Council asked the Pathways, Recreation and Parks Committee to study the issue of <br /> safe surfacing for driveways as they related to paths and asked staff to look into the <br /> accident history of the driveway under dicussion. <br /> Mrs. Betsy Bertram, 11854 Page Mill Road, raised the issue of recycling and noted <br /> that because of the new program she had gone from 2 garbage cans to 1/2 a can. She <br /> asked if it was possible to have garbage picked up every two weeks. The City <br /> Manager responded that the Department of Health does not allow biweekly <br /> collection of putrescibles; biweekly collection of non-putrescibles could not occur <br /> until the computerized garbage trucks were in place. Then they would have the <br /> capability of knowing who was to have garbage picked up and during which weeks. <br /> It was noted that an article in the newsletter advising residents that they could <br /> decrease the number of garbage cans they were using would be helpful. Mrs. <br /> Bertram also raised the issue of the Spirit of the Hills event scheduled for September <br /> 22, 1990 and stated that she objected to the Mayor inviting people to attend on behalf <br /> of the Town. <br /> Mrs. Rosemary Meyerott, Town Historian, referred to the earlier discussion on the <br /> Griffin House and noted that she had been contacted by Mr. Russell of <br /> Environmental Services Associates and they had a meeting scheduled to go over all <br /> the materials on the Griffin House which the Town had accummulated. <br /> Mrs. Ruth Buneman, 12655 LaCresta, commented that there were several places one <br /> could take cardboard for recycling. One was the Stanford Campus and one was ABC <br /> recycling in Santa Clara. At ABC they would pay for the cardboard turned in. <br /> Mrs. Denise Quattrone, owner of Lot#5 - Middlefork Lane, noted that she had <br /> prepared a letter for the Council and the Commission to review. In the letter she <br /> reviewed the process they had gone through in getting their project approved and <br /> she had several recommendations and comments on how the process might be <br /> improved. Mrs. Quattrone also suggested a meeting with the Council and the <br /> Commission of ten to twelve people who had recently gone through the Town's <br /> procedures to discuss methods of improvement. <br /> September 5, 1990 <br /> 5 <br />