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the issue of insurance and it was agreed staff would contact the Town's <br /> insurer to discuss coverage for Mr. Linebarger. <br /> MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Hubbard, seconded by <br /> Tryon and passed unanimously by all members present to adopt <br /> Resolution #48-90 approving and authorizing execution of an agreement <br /> between the Town and David Linebarger subject to the issue of insurance <br /> being satisfactorily addressed and reflecting the correction "65% of actual <br /> plan check fee as of 1/1/90". <br /> MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Seigel, seconded by <br /> Casey and passed unanimously by all members present to direct the City <br /> Manager to advise Council when the contract with Mr. Linebarger went <br /> over $2,000 a month. <br /> 7. UNFINISHED BUSINESS <br /> 7.1 Ouarry Hills Subdivision - Request for an Extension to December 5, 1990 <br /> for Consideration of the Proposed Tentative Map for the Lands of <br /> Quarry Hills <br /> Council had received a request from Mr. Vidovich for a 90-day extension <br /> on all pending matters relating to the subdivision of the Neary Quarry and <br /> adjoining lands. The staff's recommendation was to deny without <br /> prejudice the requested tentative map. <br /> Mr. Vidovich, applicant, commented that his project had been going on <br /> for a long time and he did not see what benefit it would be to the Town to <br /> deny his map at this time. He further commented that he had just <br /> received the staff report on Monday and that was the first he had heard of <br /> the staffs recommendation to deny. He had not had an opportunity to <br /> review this option with his lawyers. <br /> Siegel commented that he was concerned about the time allowed to <br /> review the project. Once it was submitted would the applicant concur <br /> with a six-month extension on the review process. <br /> The City Attorney referred to legislation such as the Permit Streamlining <br /> Act concerning such applications and recommended that the application <br /> be denied, allowing the applicant to resubmit the same application and <br /> with no additional fee if Council wished. Her concern was establishing a <br /> clean date on the application. Several extensions had been granted and <br /> timing was a factor. <br /> September 5, 1990 <br /> 8 <br />