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City Council Minutes
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6/5/2015 3:41:26 PM
Creation date
6/5/2015 3:31:33 PM
Regular Meeting Minutes
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41. <br /> 8th (and on future clean up days). Volunteers would pick up the bags one week <br /> later at locations designed on the maps attached to the bags. <br /> Gary Leight, 14200 Sholes Court, briefly commented on the issue of density of people <br /> per square foot. In general, he noted the figures were 100 people per square foot. <br /> Mr. Richard McGowan, attorney for the Eshner estate, raised the issue of a <br /> conservation easement on the Eshner estate and their request for a revocation of the <br /> easement. He stated that there was only one house on seventeen acres and in 1971 <br /> the conservation easement had been put on the map to protect the view of the <br /> house. Presently the lots facing Altamont were to be sold and Mr. McGowan asked <br /> that the issue of the conservation easement be placed on the 12/19/90 Council <br /> agenda for revocation. <br /> Ginger Summit, Chairman - Community Relations Committee, reminded everyone <br /> that the Town's Holiday Celebration was scheduled for 7:00 p.m. on Thursday, <br /> December 13th at the Heritage House. She also commented that the committee had <br /> spent a lot of lime decorating the Town float for the Festival of Lights Parade which <br /> was a great success. Tryon, as Council liaison to the Community Relations <br /> Committee, commended the committee for all of its hard work on these events. <br /> `r 6. PUBLIC HEARINGS <br /> 6.1 Appeal of the Planning Commission's Approval of a Request for a <br /> Site Development Permit for a New Primary Dwelling and Second <br /> Unit, Lands of Hau, 13901 West Edith (Continued from last meeting) <br /> Siegel listed the following letters which Council had received from 11/1/90 <br /> through 11/28/90 on the Lands of Hau: Mr. and Mrs. Cookingham, Mr. <br /> and Mrs. Hettinger, Mr. DelMar Curtis, Francis Kwan, David Yankey, Egon <br /> Werk, Mr. and Mrs. Horton, Moon Choo, Mary Compton, R.E. Bame, <br /> James Lee, Teresa Hurley, Professor and Mrs. Howe, the Larson Family <br /> and Mr. and Mrs. Kreager. <br /> It was noted that Dr. Hau had submitted a new set of plans which called for a <br /> 2,600 square foot concert hall and a 1,000 square foot secondary dwelling. It <br /> was further noted that the only access to the property was from Edith. <br /> Dr. Hau, applicant, commented in the first place that he wanted to emphasize <br /> that he was convinced that this appeal was illegal. However, he wanted to <br /> December 5, 1990 <br /> 5 <br />
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