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City Council Minutes
Entry Properties
Last modified
6/5/2015 3:41:26 PM
Creation date
6/5/2015 3:31:33 PM
Regular Meeting Minutes
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School. In none of these other cases did the Council tell the owners how <br /> lilir they could enter their homes and she saw no reason why they should in <br /> this case. Tryon believed this was a public facility, a totally separate <br /> building and the property could be sold the day after it had been <br /> developed. She reiterated that she was not speaking of the present owners <br /> but was concerned about future owners. She believed the concert hall was <br /> institutional in size. Hubbard noted that he did not believe the separate <br /> entrance was an issue. It made sense for moving pianos in and out and <br /> for deliveries. <br /> Wendell Roscoe, applicant's designer, explained that there were actually five <br /> doors all of which were real doors. He simply had not marked the hinges <br /> on the drawings. He further commented that there were many doors to <br /> the house and there was an inside/outside relationship with doors to the <br /> laundry room off the pool, etc. He noted that there were two pillared <br /> entrances but did offer to remove one of the double doors to the entrance <br /> of the ballroom. Mr. Roscoe stated that the house was designed around <br /> the tree, with a low profile and the least impact on the neighborhood. <br /> Mr. Spanner, applicant's attorney, stated they had no intention of using the <br /> concert hall for commercial uses and this could be written into the <br /> conditions. <br /> fir <br /> PASSED BY CONSENSUS: To add the following condition: "The five openings <br /> between the atrium and the west wing shall be left open or shall be fully <br /> functioning doors." <br /> PASSED BY CONSENSUS: To add the following to condition 15: "If Town staff <br /> determines there is evidence indicating the residence is being used in a <br /> manner that requires a conditional use permit or that deviates signficantly <br /> from acceptable residential uses, as permitted by the Zoning Ordinance, a <br /> hearing shall be scheduled before the City Council for the presentation of <br /> evidence to that effect. If the City Council determines the residence is <br /> being used in any such manner, additional conditions may be placed on <br /> the use of the residence." <br /> Tryon stated that she did not believe Council had addressed several of the <br /> important issues which included compliance with the zoning ordinance, <br /> allowing numerous separate and distinct structures on the property, <br /> compatibility with the existing neighborhood, future owners, a scenic <br /> road, major entrance to the Town, sensitive lot, overall impact, rural <br /> c character and community goals. <br /> December 5, 1990 <br /> 8 <br />
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