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especially at night and which had disrupted mail service for the last ten days. Mr. <br /> `r Sims recommended burying the drainage pipe and reevaluating the project. <br /> Council agreed that this issue would be agendized for the January 8th meeting with <br /> the Roads and Drainage Committee being asked for their input. Casey also asked <br /> why the neighbors were not notified of such projects being done by the Town. A <br /> similar situation had been the tree planting on Altamont. <br /> Mr. Jim Reed, 10779 Magdalena, stated that as a result of this project his property <br /> would experience a lot more drainage. <br /> 6. PUBLIC HEARINGS <br /> 6.1 Request for approval of a negative declaration and tentative map <br /> for a lot consolidation subdivision, Lands of Micko, Kingsley Avenue <br /> The Planning Director's staff report dated 12/19/90 noted that this was a request <br /> to assemble ten small existing lots into one lot of less than one acre. The <br /> original lots were created in 1913 and the land was flat. The Planning <br /> Commission recommended denial of this request based on their inability <br /> to make the findings for the necessary conditional exceptions. <br /> {, Mr. Micko, applicant, addressed the Council concerning his proposed project. <br /> He noted that he had been a resident of the Town from 1974 to 1987 and he <br /> was a strong supporter of the one-acre minimum zoning. Mr. Micko <br /> commented on the maximum development areas of the lots, the building <br /> site circles, the view corridors and an incentive plan by deed restriction for <br /> any present or future owners regarding development and the purchase of <br /> additional lots. Mr. Micko believed it was a good project and comments <br /> from both agencies and staff had been favorable. He asked Council to <br /> grant the conditional exceptions but if they had any questions or needed <br /> more information, he encouraged them to continue this item and visit <br /> the site themselves. Mr. Micko also noted that the property was in escrow <br /> pending approval of the lot consolidation. <br /> Mr. Albert Henley, 26131 Taaffe Road, stated his belief this consolidation could <br /> be granted. The system allowed for special circumstances. He commented <br /> on the reasons behind the incorporation of the Town and believed he <br /> understood what these were as he was an original founder of the Town. <br /> The purpose of incorporation was not to keep people out who really <br /> wanted to live in the Town but rather to retain local rules rather than <br /> being regulated by the County. Mr. Henley commented that Mr. Micko <br /> had presented a good plan to the Council; he had worked within the Code <br /> and he had earned the Council's support. This was a unique situation. <br /> December 19, 1990 <br /> 5 <br />