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C. CONSENT CALENDAR: (continued) : <br /> IOW <br /> Dot Schreiner, Chairman - Pathways , Recreation and Park Committee, <br /> stated that the Town had authorized participation in the event in <br /> earlier years and it was quite beneficial to the Town. She noted that <br /> this year ' s conference was going to focus ona variety of financing <br /> programs available for trails and liability insurance issues . <br /> MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Tryon, seconded by Johnson and <br /> passed unanimously by all members present to authorize payment of the <br /> reservation fee ($240) for Barrie Freeman and Kathy Kelly to attend <br /> the Sixth Annual Trail Conference. <br /> Tryon asked that any handouts, materials , etc . from the conference be <br /> directed to the Council . <br /> D. PRESENTATIONS FROM THE FLOOR: <br /> Mrs . Elaine Dauber, 27930 Roble Alto, reported that the Citizens for <br /> Reasonable Development had filed a petition with the Town on January <br /> 18th and it was now at the Registrar of Voters Office for verification <br /> of signatures . <br /> Mr . David Roos , 13590 Hillway, submitted a letter dated 2/1/89 which <br /> addressed his concerns about recycling. He stated that he strongly <br /> CIS believed that the Town should start such a program. Recycling was an <br /> important issue and one that could he handled economically and neatly. <br /> Mr. Roos also submitted for Council ' s information the annual summary <br /> report from the Palo Alto Materials Recovery Program. Tryon noted that <br /> the Council had sent a card to each resident concerning recycling in <br /> the Town and inquiring whether the residents would be willing to pay <br /> an extra charge to have recycling in the Town. The response was <br /> negative . She commented that this was an important issue but it was <br /> going to take more education of the residents. Mr. Roos said he would <br /> be interested in helping to provide education regarding recycling. <br /> The Acting City Manager reported that recycling had been discussed <br /> with the Los Altos Garbage Company. It could provide curbside <br /> recycling but it would indeed be true curbside. It was unknown at this <br /> time what costs would be involved if it were a modified recycling <br /> program. Another possibility would be drop off centers which they have <br /> in Portola Valley. He noted that more information on recycling would <br /> be available in the near future . <br /> E. PUBLIC HEARINGS: <br /> 1. LANDS OF WARNER, FILE TM #5-87, 12335 Stonebrook Drive, request for <br /> approval of tentative map and negative declaration - Resolution <br /> approving tentative map <br /> 4116/ <br /> 3- 2/1/89 <br />