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E. PUBLIC HEARINGS: (continued) : <br /> The Acting City Manager explained the recommendation that this <br /> application be denied without prejudice. The Warners had recently sold <br /> the property and were not intending to proceed with the proposed <br /> subdivision. <br /> MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Tryon, seconded by Casey and <br /> passed unanimously by all members present to deny Lands of Warner, <br /> File TM #5-87 , 12335 Stonebrook Drive , without prejudice . <br /> 2. LANDS OF MACHALE, FILE TM #5-88 , 12350 Stonebrook Drive , request <br /> for approval of tentative map and negative declaration - Resolution <br /> approving tentative map <br /> The Acting City Manager referred to his staff report dated 1/23/89 <br /> which included the recommendation that the negative declaration and <br /> tentative map, as conditioned, be approved for this two-lot <br /> subdivision. <br /> MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Tryon, seconded by Casey and <br /> passed unanimously by all members present to approve the negative <br /> declaration for Lands of MacHale , File TM #5-88 . <br /> MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Tryon, seconded by Casey and <br /> passed unanimously by all members present to adopt Resolution #19-89 <br /> approving the tentative subdivision map for Lands of Machale with <br /> conditions as stated in Exhibit 'A' to the Resolution. <br /> 3 . Resolution # approving issuance of conditional certificate of <br /> compliance to the estate of Irma C. Goldsmith and authorizing <br /> execution thereof , and ordering recordation thereof <br /> Mr. Dan Alexander , Executor for the estate of Irma Goldsmith, stated <br /> that he was in concurrence with the Acting City Manager ' s report dated <br /> 1/26/ 89 on this subject. Mr. Alexander explained that Mrs. Goldsmith <br /> had subdivided her property prior to the incorporation of the Town but <br /> because she continued to pay the taxes on the property she had never <br /> gotten a second tax number. It was now necessary to get a certificate <br /> of compliance in order to get such a tax number. <br /> Mr. Chris Verma, 27300 Elena, stated that he was the next door <br /> neighbor and was concerned about the division of the lot. At this time <br /> there was not a problem. However, he was concerned about future <br /> development on the Goldsmith property which could include up to three <br /> houses and could have quite a visual impact on his property. The Mayor <br /> advised Mr . Verma that the subdivision of the property was not the <br /> issue before Council at this time. The property had a legal <br /> subdivision but at such time as it was developed the neighbors would <br /> be notified of any proposed plans for the lots . <br /> Nie <br /> q_ 2/1/89 <br />