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C. CONSENT CALENDAR: (continued) : <br /> van Tamelen inquired about the charges for the open-ended questions <br /> and the amount of time billed by the consultant for time spent on the <br /> senior housing question which Council had decided would not be included <br /> in the questionnaire. She stated that if a contract were going to be <br /> amended, she believed it should be brought back to the Council for <br /> approval . <br /> The Acting City Manager responded that there had been no additional <br /> charges for the senior housing questions but the contract was not <br /> specific on the issue of open-ended questions. <br /> Casey stated that she believed the consultant went beyond the scope of <br /> her contract . For example she attended Council meetings and did not <br /> charge the Town for her time at these meetings . Tryon did not believe <br /> this was a large issue before the Council but she also had not <br /> realized that the contract would have to be amended. <br /> MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Casey, seconded by Tryon and <br /> passed by the following roll call vote to adopt Resolution #45-89 <br /> approving and authorizing execution of third addendum to agreement <br /> between the Town of Los Altos Hills and Nancy Alexander <br /> AYES: Mayor Johnson and Councilmembers Casey, Siegel and Tryon <br /> NOES: Councilmember van Tamelen <br /> 4. Resolution #46-89 exonerating and releasing landscaping bond in <br /> connection with Lands of Tod Properties , Tract No. 8043 , ' South <br /> Fork' <br /> van Tamelen inquired about the maintenance of landscaping and was <br /> advised this would be covered by a bond with the Town. <br /> MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by van Tamelen, seconded by Tryon <br /> and passed unanimously to adopt Resolution #46-89 exonerating and <br /> releasing landscaping bond in connection with Lands of Tod Properties , <br /> Tract No. 8043 , ' South Fork' <br /> 5. Request from Dr. Collinson for waiver of fees for a variance and <br /> zoning and site development permit application (Edgerton Road) <br /> Council had before them the Planning Director ' s staff report dated <br /> 3/7/89 which included background information on Dr . Collinson' s <br /> application. In 1987 he was granted a variance for a carport. However , <br /> upon building a garage in place of the carport, his building permit <br /> was rescinded in 1987 . Dr. Collinson had obtained a demolition permit <br /> to remove the unapproved sections of the structure but now he wished <br /> to apply again for a variance to allow the garage structure to remain. <br /> 4110 <br /> -4- 3/15/89 <br />