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G. NEW BUSINESS: <br /> flew i. Consideration of suggested water use reduction guidelines <br /> received from the Santa Clara Valley Water district <br /> The Mayor referred to his memo dated 3/14/89 which commented on the <br /> Santa Clara Valley Water Commission' s consideration of a model <br /> ordinance for cities regarding the prohibition of certain water uses. <br /> The next meeting was March 23rd and the Mayor asked Council for <br /> direction concerning this proposed ordinance. <br /> PASSED BY CONSENSUS: To concur with the adoption of an ordinance <br /> prohibiting the following water uses : 1) water waste , including but <br /> not limited to, flooding or runoff on sidewalks , streets or gutters; <br /> 2) cleaning of sidewalks , driveways, patios , parking lots , or other <br /> paved or hard-surfaced areas; 3) use of water through a hose for <br /> washing car , buses , boats , trailers , or other vehicles without a <br /> positive automatic shutdown valve on the outlet end of the hose; 4) <br /> operation of decorative fountains; 5) use of water for construction <br /> purposes, such as consolidation of backfill , unless no other source of <br /> water or other method can be used; 6) water waste due to broken or <br /> defective plumbing, sprinkler, watering or irrigation systems; 7) <br /> outside landscape irrigation during daylight hours; and 8) restaurant <br /> water service unless upon request and to encourage positive <br /> conservation measures . <br /> van Tamelen noted that Dr . Perkins had suggested the formation of a <br /> ihr citizens group on this subject and she also stated that he was an <br /> excellent source of recommendations for water conservation. It was <br /> agreed Dr . Perkins would be contacted after the results of the March <br /> 23rd meeting were known. <br /> 2 . Urgency Item: Resolution # supporting a comprehensive <br /> drought response program <br /> Council had before them a request from the Intergovernmental Council <br /> that all the cities adopt a resolution supporting a comprehensive <br /> drought response program as was adopted by the IGC. <br /> MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Tryon, seconded by Johnson and <br /> passed unanimously to adopt Resolution #47-89 supporting a <br /> comprehensive drought response program. <br /> Mrs . Betsy Bertram, 11854 Page Mill Road, introduced two exchange <br /> students from Japan who were staying with her family for a month. The <br /> Mayor welcomed the students . Mrs . Bertram also commended Bill Ekern <br /> for the job he was doing as Acting City Manager and suggested he apply <br /> for the job. <br /> -8- 3/15/89 <br />