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L C. CONSENT CALENDAR: (continued) : <br /> bur <br /> 5. Proclamation: National Public Works Week, May 21-27 <br /> 6. Request from Mr. Bellucci for 60 day extension to relocate the <br /> carriage house on Moody Road <br /> Item Removed: <br /> 1. Resolution # approving final subdivision map and approving and <br /> authorizing execution of subdivision agreement for Tract No. 8200 and <br /> rescinding Resolution #32-89 (Lands of McCulloch) <br /> Siegel stated that he thought the requirements for the path on Lots 14 <br /> and 15 and the emergency access road should be included in the <br /> documents before them. <br /> Russ Carter, applicant, reported that phase two of this project would <br /> be underway in the near future and they planned to complete these <br /> improvements at that time. If they should run into a delay a temporary <br /> emergency access road could be put in the project. <br /> MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Siegel, seconded by Casey and <br /> passed unanimously by all members present to adopt Resolution #54-89 <br /> approving final subdivision map and approving and authorizing <br /> xecution of subdivision agreement for Tract No. 8200 and rescinding <br /> esolution #32-89 (Lands of McCulloch) including the following <br /> amendments: dedication of easement for and construction of pathways on <br /> Lots 14 and 15, dedication of an easement for and construction of an <br /> emergency access and completion of improvements by June 1, 1990. <br /> E. PRESENTATIONS FROM THE FLOOR: <br /> F. PUBLIC HEARINGS: <br /> G. OLD BUSINESS: <br /> 1. Report from Mayor on water reduction measures <br /> Johnson reported on a recent meeting he had attended at the Santa <br /> Clara Valley Water District. Although the issue was not quite as <br /> critical as once thought, a 25% reduction in water usage was still <br /> needed in the event of another dry year. Casey stated that she <br /> believed the Town should pass a resolution including the eight <br /> principles of water conservation as a matter of support particularly <br /> as they were really a matter of common sense. Tryon recommended <br /> amending the Resolution adopted by the Council in June, 1988 declaring <br /> the need for conservation of water and recommending a 15% in water <br /> usage by the residents. She further suggested educating the public by <br /> making the eight principles of conservation available in a handout and <br /> Lon the Town newsletter. <br /> _3_ 5/17/89 <br />