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NEW BUSINESS: (continued) : <br /> Dot Schreiner, Chairman - Pathways, Parks and Recreation Committee, <br /> agreed with Mrs. Carse's statement that originally they did not think <br /> the path could go in at this location. Mrs. Schreiner also noted <br /> though that Altamont to Taaffe was a real safety issue and something <br /> should be done to get a path in even if the Town had to share in the <br /> cost. She further commented that actually a path should be on both <br /> sides of Taaffe. <br /> Council discussed the importance of the pathway system in the Town, <br /> the option of an in-lieu payment and whether or not $500 was adequate, <br /> the importance of paths on both sides of Taaffe and the safety issue <br /> ' of this area. <br /> MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Tryon, seconded by Casey and <br /> passed unanimously by all members present to require the applicants to <br /> make a payment in lieu of construction of the path in the amount of <br /> $500 and to direct staff to review this area of Taaffe (both sides) <br /> from all aspects especially the safety issue. <br /> 3. Request for comments on the Santa Clara County Hazardous Waste <br /> Management Plan and Draft Environmental Impact Report <br /> PASSED BY CONSENSUS: Council stated they had no comments on the <br /> it'unty' s Hazardous Waste Management Plan and Draft Environmental <br /> mpact Report. <br /> I . OTHER BUSINESS: <br /> 1. Reports from Standing Committees: <br /> 2. Reports from Ad Hoc Committees: <br /> a) Community Survey <br /> Casey commented on the card announcing the availability of the survey. <br /> Clarification was made of comments made at the last Council meeting <br /> regarding what pages of the survey would be made available at no <br /> charge to the residents (pages 4-30) and what directions should be <br /> given to the printer regarding the appearance of the card. It was <br /> noted that in addition to the mailing, an announcement would be <br /> included in the Town newsletter. <br /> Mrs. Elaine Dauber, 27930 Roble Alto, asked that a copy of the survey <br /> be sent to the libary. Council concurred with this request and it was <br /> noted that the library' s copy of the survey would include a notation <br /> that copies were available at Town Hall . <br /> -5- 5/17/89 <br />