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8 . NEW BUSINESS: (continued) : <br /> Mrs. Betsy Bertram, 11854 Page Mill Road, commented that there was a <br /> designated bike path across from her property and no one ever used it. <br /> Mrs. Shari Emling, 11853 Murietta , reiterated her concerns about <br /> safety issues on Moody Road and stated that a bicycle lane was needed <br /> all along Moody. <br /> Mr. Philip Dauber, member - Pathways , Recreation and Parks Committee, <br /> commented that serious bicyclists won' t use designated bicycle paths. <br /> For some reason they seem to consider them dangerous . <br /> Mrs. Artemas Ginzton, 28014 Natoma Road, stated that bicyclists have <br /> as much right to be on a road as drivers of cars. She suggested that <br /> public education and marked lanes were needed to improve the <br /> situation. <br /> Ms . Alicia Seiger, 27087 Old Trace Road, suggested putting shoulders <br /> in rather than a path all along the road. <br /> Mrs. Fran Stevenson, 26989 Beaver Lane, stated that the most dangerous <br /> path was on Elena but at some point in time the money was shifted from <br /> that path to Altamont. <br /> Mrs. Betsy Bertram, 11854 Page Mill Road, agreed that the State does <br /> have laws regarding bicyclists; however, the State also closes certain <br /> of its roads to bicyclists. Mrs. Bertram thought the Town should <br /> consider doing the same thing. <br /> MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Siegel , seconded by Johnson and <br /> passed unanimously to authorize an amendment to the 1980 Parkland <br /> Grant application for the purpose of improving the Altamont pathway as <br /> an integral portion of the Byrne Park Preserve Pathway system and to <br /> direct staff to study and report on the issue of a bicycle path to be <br /> included in the project. <br /> 8 . 3 Staffing Structure and Compensation <br /> Council had before them the City Manager' s staff report dated 9/18/89 <br /> which included background information and an analysis of the Town' s <br /> staffing structure and compensation program. (This report is on file <br /> at Town Hall . ) <br /> MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Johnson, seconded by Casey and <br /> passed unanimously by all members present to approve the expansion of <br /> the receptionist position from three-fifths time to full-time; to <br /> approve the recommended special adjustments in compensation for <br /> individual classifications and a pay-for-performance incentive <br /> compensation program to reward exemplary performance; to appropriate <br /> $65, 000 in additional funds in the FY 1989-90 budget to implement the <br /> Q above recommendations; and to direct staff to develop proposed changes <br /> �y in the personnel rules and regulations reflecting these changes. <br /> -10- 9/20/89 <br />