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ihr 8 . NEW BUSINESS : (continued) : <br /> 8 .4 Request for Waiver of Geotechnical Fees , Mr. Brad Lyman, <br /> 13770 Wildflower Lane <br /> The City Manager reported that Mr. Lyman had withdrawn his request for <br /> a waiver of geotechnical fees. However, Mr. Lyman had suggested that <br /> the geotechnical review process be reviewed by the Town. In his <br /> opinion there was excessive review of projects by Mr. Cotton' s office. <br /> PASSED BY CONSENSUS: To table the request for waiver of geotechnical <br /> fees from Mr. Brad Lyman, 13770 Wildflower Lane. <br /> 9 . REPORTS FROM STANDING AND AD HOC COMMITTEES : <br /> 9. 1 Environmental Design and Protection Committee <br /> Mrs. Terry McDaniel , Chairman - Environmental Design and Protection <br /> Committee explained to the Council her request for a task force to be <br /> established to work on the Releaf Program (a global program set up to <br /> plant and care for trees) . She noted that all members of her committee <br /> would be members of the task force but the task force could be quite <br /> large to work on this extensive program. Mrs . McDaniel commented that <br /> she would like to see all areas of the Town represented on the task <br /> force and stated that they would start their program with Town-owned <br /> ` property. On other subjects , she commented that the tree ordinance <br /> their committee was working on should be ready in about a month and <br /> the committee could provide information on the subject of pine blight <br /> possibly in the next newsletter. <br /> Siegel noted that the item of trees has been budgeted for in the <br /> Town' s budget and staff is in the process of purchasing a water truck. <br /> MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Siegel, seconded by Johnson and <br /> passed unanimously by all members present to approve of the <br /> establishment of a task force to work on the Releaf Program and to <br /> express appreciation to Mrs . McDaniel and her committee for their work <br /> on this project . <br /> 10.STAFF REPORTS: <br /> 10.1 City Manager <br /> 10.1 .1 . Agenda Development Process <br /> The City Manager presented an outline of the agenda development <br /> process. He noted that certain items had to be agendized (for <br /> example, public hearings , variances , conditional use permits) and for <br /> other items there was a certain amount of latitude. The Mayor and <br /> L <br /> -11- 9/20/89 <br />